Taking a Break

ss's girl

Hi Cathe and educated crowd. I usually lurk but wanted the opinions of the experienced exercisers.

Do you all take a break from working out during the year? I have never really taken a break except when forced to when sick. My DH and I are going to St. Lucia at the end of the year to renew our wedding vows. We will be there for 8 days and I was thinking maybe I would take this week off and let my body rest. I am in the 12th week of the Max rotation and I am feeling a little fatigued.

What do you all think?

I think you should listen to your body. There will probably be plenty of walking, swimming etc. you will be doing while there. I can tell you from forced time off for a week or so, I didn't have any problem getting back to my workouts, and I didn't notice any regression. Have a wonderful time!!!

You have my permission to take a break!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-02 AT 12:53PM (Est)[/font][p]Of course! Take a break!

After conditioning your body for all that time, a week will not detract from your fitness level. Actually, I believe it will enhance it.

Just think about it: When you get back, you will feel refreshed and ready for another year of fitness!

Take a bread, enjoy your life!...but make sure you come back to fitness afterwards! :)

I second Fitnurse's and Runathon's emotions. Exercise physiologists recommend that consistent exercisers take off at least one week per year, and yes you will come back refreshed mentally as well as physically.


Annette Q. Aquajock
Thanks everyone! I am going to take the break and just watch my eating and have fun!!

I appreciate everyone's quick response.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-02 AT 01:36PM (Est)[/font][p]Debbi

Edited after seeing Aquajock response.

Go ahead enjoy your second honeymoon and come back ready to pump and jump without feeling guilty.

When I went to St Lucia I intend to workout at the gym in the hotel complex I never made it the beach kept calling me.

Oh go to the rainforest and see the "volcano" its excellent, you will absolutely adore it I am really jealous off you.

Definitely take a vacation. There are times when I'm not on "vacation" but my body needs a break. So I take 1-2 weeks off from exercising.

This way, I've been able to exercise consistently my entire life. I'm one of the few people I know who actually exercises as part of my lifestyle. That's because I don't let exercise control my life.

Enjoy the rest. Laura

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