Take a nap at work!!



In my never-ending quest to find help for my debilitating sleepiness, I found this article on the web. It's so interesting! There are actually companies that have created "nap rooms". My company would never in a million years do such a thing, but a girl can dream, right? I have actually fallen asleep at work before. Only for a few seconds, but still.

Constant fatigue is one of the worst things to live with. Every day, I'm out laying in my car to take a nap at lunch. Boy would I LOVE a 'nap room'!!


Why did they ever take that away since we were kids??? In Italy they all go home and take a nap and then go back into work a couple of hours after I'm not sure I would make it back hehe
I was dreaming while reading that article. I could go and use the nap room right now. I wonder for those companies that have it, can you go everyday? for how long? There must be some type of monitoring or else people would take advantage of it.
Oh I saw that news story! While it's a nice idea, I don't even want to imagine what it'd do to the already lazy govmt employees I have to deal with every day! :p

OK so here's a question. If your employer was considering a nap room or a gym but only had room/budget for one, which would you want most?
We have one at my office. They don't call it a nap room; they call it a wellness room or something. It has a nice sofa with fluffy pillows, nice lighting, yoga mats, and a flat screen monitor for yoga tapes. I used it yesterday to read a magazine and rest my eyes.

I think the only reason we have it is because practically our entire HR staff has had babies in the last year, and they wanted a place to go pump. I kid you not. This office has been around for 10 years, and they're just doing this now? For whatever reason, it's nice to have.
You know where this idea would really help, school! I think if kids could have 20 minutes of recess and 20 minutes of down time we would get more done and more would stick in the long run. Teachers could use this time too. I go so hard all day by the end of the day I am fried. Not a minute to catch my breath. I noticed my students seemed extra finished this year. I think its because we pushed them so hard to prepare for the state test. I wonder what will really stick through the summer. Todays my first day off, it feels great to be able to breath! Thank God for part of June and July! No, don't get August any more!

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