Tae Bo Live....


Hi everyone! I'm interested in some feedback on the Tae Bo LIVE Advanced series volumes 1-12. I've read a few reviews which tend to get confusing with all the Tae Bo tapes out there and from what I've gathered it seems that the Live Advanced tapes would be what I'm looking for, but with 12 to choose from which one do I pick?? I'm confused!! Help!! I'm going to get at most 2 tapes, possibly just one. If I get 2 I'd ordered one that included floor work and one that didnt, just ordering one, I guess I'd order whichever one was the most intense, had the best ab section, and had the least amount of inspirational bits though still keeping the motivational comments, and of course I need good music. I've already read reviews about how in one of the volumes Billy makes some inappropriate comments about a guy in a wheelchair and I've already eliminated that volume as well as any other similar volumes that contain comments like that. Even if the workout was excellent I know comments like that would be enough for me not to do the tape. I'm interested to hear from the educated crowd!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-01 AT 08:40AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Stacy!
I guess I'm not sure what you're trying to avoid in the way of comments. I can't remember hearing anything inappropriate about the young man in the wheelchair. He is so inspiring!
But to answer your other questions...
Volume 5 has the most floorwork. Only about 20 minutes of standing work, the rest is on the floor.
Volume 8 is my favorite. It is just fun!fun! It'a an all out cardio challenge.
So those are the ones I would get if I could only have 2.
But again, if you want a really good buy, get the Tae Bo Get Ripped Series. They are the toughest workouts yet! Through QVC I paid only $40 including shipping. That's less than $7 a tape!

Again, I don't know what the commentary is on these because I find Billy's comments very motivational and have never been offended. Maybe someone else could tell you whether or not you might find those tapes offensive.

Enjoy your new fitness venture! Tae Bo has really helped me in the journey towards my fitness goals. I have the smallest waist of my life and those saddlebags ar going away!

Good luck!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-01 AT 12:17PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Stacy,

My two favorite Live Advanced tapes are #11 and #12 (#12 does have some floorwork at the end). I agree that the Get Ripped series Advanced tapes are terrific as well. I like both Advanced tapes butI find the Basic tapes a little slow in the series. Although you could do the two Basics at the same time that would accomplish having both cardio and floorwork together. I have one comment regarding the young man in the wheelchair. His name is Matt and he is the son of one of the Taebo instructors. His mother is Debi and she is the muscular blond woman in many tapes. Matt is truely amazing and I believe that when Billy speaks about him that Billy is trying to show that anyone who has the spirit and desire to do the workouts CAN! JMHO.

Good luck choosing.

P.S. Should you be checking eBay for any tapes there has been someone selling multiple copies of Volume 8 for 8.99 or 9.25. Apparently he is not legitimate and the tapes purchased never arrive.
Hey Stacy,
I agree with Becky. I have all 12 Volumes of the advanced, including the Get Ripped series. Never did I hear any inappropriate comments about the man in the wheel chair. If anything Billy trys to tell you that even if your in a wheel chair you can do anything, including Tae-bo, it is very insprirational. My favorite volumes are 2,4,8,12 and my very favorite are the Get Ripped advanced tapes. I have lost a lot of weight from doing Tae-bo. And now that I discovered Cathe's tapes the two work well together to give me a complete cardio workout every week. I found though that I have to put a day in between Tae-bo workouts. Amy Jo
favorites: 2 & 3, and the new advanced QVC tapes from the set.
Thanks for the input, though I still havent decided which to purchase yet!! I've read reviews of tapes 1-6 on VF, does anyone know of anywhere I can read reviews of 7-12??

:) Stacy
RE: I agree!

Thanks for the website with the reviews. I just finished reading them all and I'm still not any closer to choosing a tape. I guess I'd like to just take a survey and if anyone could rank the advanced live tapes 1-12 as to which one is the best in each of the following categories I could mix and match and see which one(s) would give me the most of what I'm looking for.


1. Best cardio
2. Best ab work
3. Best leg/butt work
4. Longest
5. Best floor work tape overall
6. Best non-floor work tape overall
7. Best music

Thanks again!! I know I may be getting too picky but I just wasted some money on a few tapes and I dont want to make the same mistake again.

:) Stacy
RE: I agree!

Hi Stacy,
I hope someone can help you with this info. I am gonna try taebo for the first time also. I have been trying to decide which one to buy also, so I am glad you posted this.

Can you believe I leave for vacation today for 7 days. I just got notification that my tapes have shipped. So they will be here 4 days before I return. What timing, huh?

RE: I agree!

Hi Stacy,
I posted to Lisa on the other threat about Tae Bo that I have Tae Bo Live Volumes 1-10 and will sell them to anyone who wants them since my ebay seller's account is currently screwed up. The only thing is that I'm pretty sure Lisa has dibs on the Instructional video and volume 4. Let me know if you are interested! My e-mail address is [email protected].

P.S. I told Lisa also that I think some of the moves are too fast and dangerous in Tae Bo, so I would be really sure you want to try it out first.

Take Care,

I now have all 12 Advanced Volumes. I just ordered the last 3 volumes a couple of days ago so I'm still waiting for it. I just love Tae Bo. I know a lot of people think it's boring especially those who prefer dance moves and complex choreography. But it gets the job done. IT REALLY DOES WORK! And no, I never had any single injury. You have to start off with the Instructional Video. With proper diet and exercise, I lost 32 lbs- as of last count. So now I'm 5'4 at 115 lbs.I have been doing Taebo 6x a week. I really want to get down to 110. So I'm still doing Taebo. But I also want to try other instructors aside from Billy. I am basically new to Cathe and I have heard so many positive comments about her so I want to check out more of her videos. Im not an advanced stepper though so I dont know if Cathe's videos will freak me out but so far her Wedding Video was great. I prefer intensity more than complexity.
With regards to the Taebo Volumes, I prefer 4, 6, 8, 9.The moves are faster and fun. The music is great! Volume 5 and 7 are mostly toning.Well Vol 7 is half floor work, half kickboxing. The Vols 1-3 that I have are the new versions. The older versions that came out received some negative comments because of the dangerous moves. So I can't really compare. Actually I like all my Volumes. They give me variety. Why don't you also check out Katalin Zamiar of www.gijabb.com. A lot of people think she's great too! I'll probably buy her videos after Cathe. I spent a lot lately since I bought the DVDs of Cathe. I'll have to limit my expenses for a while. Hope you have fun with Taebo too! Good Luck!
Hi Hippychick, thanks for the useful info. I think I've finally narrowed down my choices to Tae Bo Advanced Live either 4, 6, or 8. I may get two of them, havent decided yet. What are the subtle differences btwn these 3?? I'm looking for fun, great intensity, awesome music and if possible a good ab workout. I feel Cathe's tapes provide enough toning for me so I want another good cardio and ab workout to add some variety to Cathe's step tapes and her ab workouts. Thanks!!

Hi Hippychick, thanks for the useful info. I think I've finally narrowed down my choices to Tae Bo Advanced Live either 4, 6, or 8. I may get two of them, havent decided yet. What are the subtle differences btwn these 3?? I'm looking for fun, great intensity, awesome music and if possible a good ab workout. I feel Cathe's tapes provide enough toning for me so I want another good cardio and ab workout to add some variety to Cathe's step tapes and her ab workouts. Thanks!!


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