Table "12" check-in :)

Hello Ladies-

Hi guys! Ok so I have totally been slacking it on the check-in. However, to make it up to you I am starting today's check-in all the way from beautiful (cloudy) Germany! lol :)To give a bit of an update...I have finished up the fall semester-thankfully-and just finished taking my GRE! Next step is finishing all of my grad school applications that are due in january and feburary-then its out of my hands :)!
The time has finally come for me to reunite with my mommmy in Germany-yay-!its really wierd being back but in a very good way. And because my mommy forgot my christmas presents-jk i did not ask for anything-she is taking my shopping early tomorow morning. i cant wait! Ok, ladies well i miss you all and hope everyone is doing fabulous! Talk to you soon!

RE: Table

Hi Alesia,

Glad to hear the semester is over. Sounds like you are going to have a great visit with your family in Germany. Tell your mom I said hi. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Hope all the T-12 check-in members have a wonderful Christmas.

RE: Table

ALESIA!!!!!!!! What are you going to buy? Shoes??? lol

It's been a while since you've come up for air, hugh? I hope you and your ENTIRE family have an AWESOME holiday break! You deserve the break, my dear! All that hard work! Give your Mom a HUGE HUG FOR ME, will ya???

Thanks for kicking off a check in. We've all been a bit quiet these last 2 weeks or so. It's the holiday thing!

And, by th way, it's cloudy and cold here in Pennsylvania! Foggy, since it rained last night and got warmer a bit today. YUCK, in other words! LOL

OK....I'm sitting down while it's quiet and I may ACTUALLY take a little nap. Zach is up the street at a friend's and Jacob is still resting. I'd like to catch a few zzzzzz's that I lost last night!



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