T-12 Check-in for November 1-3, 2007


T-12 Sisters:

Good morning! Welcome to November! I am still hauling around the 10 pounds water weight or whatever I gained during my first week of heavy lifting and dealing with a bad food hangover this morning after indulging in way too much sugar yesterday. But this is a new month and a fresh start! Thanksgiving is 3 weeks from today. That gives us 21 days of clean eating and fun workouts. My game plan for this month is simple. I am aiming for 21 days of no treats and no cheats. I ate enough fun food yesterday for the next 3 weeks! I love Cathe’s November rotation, so that is my game plan for workouts. (I may make a few small changes to make it work for me.)

I packed up my scale at midnight and stored it in the closet. I also took “before” pictures in fitted workout clothes so I can focus on visible changes in my body as a result of heavy weight training. I need to “fast” the scale for 21 days until my body adjusts to these new workouts. It is discouraging me more than encouraging me at this point in my journey.

Have a blessed day!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
hello T-12

Long time no post i know...lol...heather that sounds like a great plan.....i just wanted to say hello to everyone...with school and work and studying its been quite hard...but please know that i miss you all...HI MOM! lol....well i had my 22 birthday yesturday...im getting old...lol...jk it was a fabulous day...all orchestrated by my loving boyfriend...i would have only been better had my best friend my mommy been there...but we will be together soon..yay! ok short and sweet have to run and catch up with my brother...have a wonderful day ladies

Happy BDay, Alesia, a bit late!!! I'm glad you and BF had a great day.....how long have you been seeing this guy? How serious is it? Am I sounding like your Mommy yet? LOL Inquiring minds wanna know!

Heather...FABULOUS idea, packing up the scale. Use your tape measure instead. Take measurements to go along with your before pictures. AND BE PATIENT!!! I'm up a few pounds myself this week. To be exact, I'm up 5 pounds EXACTLY! Could be anything, but I'm not worried about it at all! I'm feeling great, and I know that my body is still adjusting! HANG IN THERE!!!!!

Got my sights on my next goal, which is for a specific weight by T-Day (yes, even after I just gave Heather the toss the scale and use the tape measure speech, lol). Moving FORWARD!!!!!!


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