Sweating bucketfuls!


:eek: During Cathe's workout I did tonight I was totally covered with sweat. After every set I had to wipe my face and eyes. My hair was just dripping wet! I usually sweat quite a bit with Cathe's workouts, but tonight, wow! It was quite hot in the house to boot! When I changed my clothes my bra was completely saturated! Have any of you had this problem? Well, at least I know I am working!:*
This happens to me every once in awhile. I could ring out my socks at times. Usually it has to do with humidity if it rains a lot. It has rained here a lot here lately. Or sometimes it is just exceptionally warm. I have had to use my towel more lately. I guess it goes with summer weather
Diane Sue:) .
Diane Sue
As Diane has offered & you pointed out--your house was hot so that is part of it I'm sure.

BUT did you know that the more physically fit you are, the more you will sweat? Before "meeting" Cathe, I would "glow" when I worked out. Since (almost 2 years ago) I sweat as you describe. Not so much in the winter but even in the winter I leave a huge watermark on my matt when doing ab work after an intense Cathe workout.

So, chalk it up to getting more fit.
:( Gosh, Deborah, that's not what I wanted to hear. I've always sweat A LOT when I've worked out or have done anything physical. I, too, have been sweating buckets lately (at an air conditioned gym). I've been working out consistently since mid April sometimes doing 2 workouts a day. I thought my sweating would taper off as I got more fit, and although I'm not huffing and puffing as hard as when I first started out I'm now sweating profusely halfway through a workout just as intensitylisa described. My face gets beet red as well...such a good fit look! NOT!
Wow Deb, I had no idea that when your more fit you sweat more. I did Imax 2 yesterday and I was really dripping.
About sweating more the more fit you are. The way I remember it is, you begin to sweat SOONER the more fit you are. Your body becomes used to the fact that you are working out and it starts the body-cooling sweating sooner.
LOL, by the time I am finished with the leg and glutes part of MIS I am sweating buckets, and continue to do so until the end of my routine. Of course I am pretty drenched by the time I finish my 4 mile walk every morning, thats before I get started on Cathe's workouts. ........ Rhonda :+ :7
Regarding the fact that the more fit you are, the more or the sooner you start to sweat... does this apply in general, as well?? Such as, will a fit person sweat more and sooner just walking around outside on a hot day than someone who isn't as fit? I suspect this is true, cuz I do tend to sweat a lot in hot weather, and it can be quite embarassing walking around with a big sweat stain on the front of your blouse or the back of your pants!!! x(
One time, just out of curiosity, I weighed myself buck naked BEFORE a Cathe cardio workout (Step Works, I think) then I weighed myself (buck naked) AFTER and I was 2 pounds lighter. I also had sipped close to 16 0z of water during the workout. So the way I figure it, I sweated out almost 2 1/2 quarts!! -joy
This happens to me worse at some times than at others. I try to work out in the morning before it gets too hot. The other thought I had, or have when I am dripping, is that I drink a TON of water. I assume my body is really hydrated, so it will purge well. What goes in must come out, and somehow it seems healthy to me. Since I exercise first thing I can hop in the shower and get on with my day. Water, water, water.

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