sweat suits and ab wheels


I was wondering about sweat suits. Not the kind you might wear while jogging, but the kind that are designed to be worn during periods of activity and make you sweat buckets. Do they really help you lose weight? If so, how? Also, how effective are ab wheels? I saw an infomercial for one and was curious about it.

No, no, no!

Out of what I have read (in fitness books and such) sweatsuit, or making the area you want to slim sweat more, is totally unhealthy. It's unnatural, makes more body sweat more and get dehydrated, and you mostly lose waterweight (if anything) through sweat which will come right back when your body is healthy again. I've seen these classified by experts as extremely dangerous and hazardous to the health of an excerciser. Think about it, its not really healthy or comfortable to go running or exert in weather that is 120 degrees (F) and humid, so why create thoose conditions for your body? Anyway, bottome line, I think sweatsuits are hazardous for the excercisor and things I've read in training books supported my thought when I forst heard about them.
sweat suits

Just to reiterate and for extra incentive not to use the sweat suits - remember the actor Martin Lawrence... he was jogging wearing a heavy sweat suit in very hot weather. He ended up in the hospital on a respirator for several days. He was in critical condition, but finally pulled out of it.

So be careful, we want you to keep exercising!!
spot reducing

Just to add to your remarks quido. Yes, wearing heavy clothing or any other material to cause yourself to sweat profusely is unhealthy. In addition, so-called spot reducing, or making a certain area sweat more to slim it up is basically impossible anyway. I've had weight training instructors preach this to my class. The best thing is to work out in your target heart work zone and you'll see overall results if this is done consistently.

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