surviving the holiday rush


How is every body planning to survive the holiday rush? I'd love for us to share our strategies!
A few of my favorites:
1. I am 4 weeks into a Cathe PS rotation and will stick with it through the new year.

2. On days when I have to go to parites or be around a lot of good food, I make sure that I do an intense Cathe workout like Body Max etc. Mentally this helps as much as physically.

3.Plan most of my shopping before I go to the mall/internet and try to stick yo my list

4. Try not to go more than 4 hours without a snack or a meal.

5. Get at least 7 hours of sleep regularly.

6. Try not to be too rigid; go with the flow have no guilt and focus on the true meaning of this special time of year!

I am thankful for this forum and the posts that people have put up this past year. Bless you all :7 :7 :7 !

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
I started a "Max" rotation 2 weeks ago and will continue til the end of December. I plan to allow myself to cheat on occasion. I've noticed that in years past, as long as I stick with my exercise routines, I don't gain weight during the Holidays. I only have my husbands company party to attend and they actually plan pretty healthy meals. For the family gatherings I'm going to make sure to drink plenty of water and watch my portion sizes. Everything in moderation! ;-) Happy Holidays! Susan
It helps to eat a healthy snack or small meal before you go to the party or family gathering where you know there will be too much temptation.

I also bring my own healthy alternatives to eat and I try to stay away from where the food's set up and focus on visiting with friends and relatives. Another strategy is to pitch in to help the hostess - no time to eat while you're rinsing dishes.

I avoid "mall food," the crowds and the insane traffic by doing most of my Christmas shopping online. I love it!


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