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Jackie Guerra had some skin removed following gastric bypass. To get ready for the skin removal surgery, she was told to excercise. She was execising up to 2hrs. a day. Exercising helps getting more oxygen to the tissue. A cancer survivor on the show Starting Over is having her rt breast removed and a hysterectomy. She said she was going to execise to get ready for the surgery.

These are both major surgeries. What is the benefit of exercise when on pre-surgery? Are Drs. suggesting to patients to exercise for major elective surgery?

I don't know if drs are officially recommending it, but as long as the person is physically up to it, it makes sense--you want your cardiovascular system and your body overall to be in the best possible shape before you go through the stress of anesthesia, surgery, blood loss, etc. I would guess that being in better shape helps you recover faster.
I had a vagninal hysterectomy two years ago. I worked out like crazy prior to that day, knowing that I would not be able to do any lifting at all for at least 6-8 weeks. I was terrifed I would gain lots of weight and lose all the muscle I had worked so had to get. I was in the best shape of my entire life, and hopelessly depressed when I woke up in such discomfort....but the good thing is that I truly believe that my pain was not worse because I was in such tip top shape. I only needed pain meds for a couple of days and within two weeks I was feeling pretty much my old self.....though I did not lift until I got the docs okay. I do believe that it did speed the recovery process along....thanks to Cathe!! And I didn't gain any weight at all....I started slowly walking (at first just up and down the driveway)to get some cardio in, and although I do not know exactly how long it was, but I was back to "regular" lifting weight in no time at all.
I tore my ACL ligament (knee ligament that stabilizes) on May 10th playing volleyball and had just finished running a marathon on April 30th. I also lifted weights at a gym and at home with my Cathe DVDs so I was in pretty good shape.'s amazing how fast you atrophy! My thigh just started shrinking after my injury because it wasn't being fully used. Ugh!

I was strong enough to do Leslie Sansone Walk Workouts (could do those but couldn't walk outside due to stabilization problems), floor work, and upperbody. The doctor made me wait at a month for surgery to give my injury time to settle and the swelling to go down. I had surgery last Wednesday and OMG, you would not believe the atrophy in my thigh and calf from one week on crutches! I was so distraught when I couldn't even lift my leg up or bend it for a few days. ;(

I think they probably recommend working out prior to surgery to counter some of the negative aspects like atrophy. I'm slowly getting my strength back and today I'm down to one crutch. I don't think I'd be this far if my legs weren't as strong prior to surgery.

Just my 2 cents. ;-)

Kathy G
I had extensive fibroid removal surgery 5 years ago... My doc told me 3-5 weeks off work.... I was up, out of bed, back to work and off all pain meds in 4 days and felt great! My doc was amazed (I was 38 at the time) She swears it was because I was a consistent exerciser and told me she started telling her patients about the experience.
A strong body and positive expectations for a full quick recovery are key in my opinion!
It does make a lot of sense. Someone who is in good shape usually has less complications and a faster and fuller recovery.

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