Supersize She--OMG!


Did anyone catch this last night on TLC? It was about a "female" (and I use the term loosely) bodybuilder trying to make it to the Miss Olympia competition.

First let me say those "women" are just disgusting. There are 70 female bodybuilders in the world, as opposed to the hundreds of men. They pretty much admitted they used steroids, not that there was any doubt, just listening to them speak. When they first started interviewing her I was like WTH, that's not a woman's voice! I was searching & searching for an adam's apple. Her skin looked awful, she had breakouts all over her body. They showed a video of her first competition & she was such a beautiful young woman, but since then her jaw had widened & she'd developed this ridge over her eyebrows, it was just scary. And her voice, like I said, was very deep & masculine. Rather than make me think of a manly woman, she made me think of a man disguised as a woman.

So the excuse for the steroid use was something like "the judges expect us to have a certain body type, & we can't get it without drugs, so we have to do it." I don't get that. If you really want to be a bodybuilder, can't you just do it w/o the juice & compete in Miss Fitness or something?

Then there were the breast implants. She had like a D cup, which I guess she had to have to be in proportion w/the rest of her b/c she was just huge, but they were pretty gross.

But I think the real point of the show was the fact that even though these women look like the strongest in the world, they're very unhealthy. Their goal is to get down to 3% bodyfat for the competitions. Can you believe that? Really sick. They barely eat for like 2 months before the competition. Then, immediately before the competition they pump themselves up w/sugar b/c apparently this makes their veins pop out more.

The narrator kept saying even though they look very strong, they're probably at their weakest point during competition.

The whole thing was enlightening but it left me scratching my head. Why are these women turning themselves into mutants? So many of them could have been so beautiful, but they end up looking like some kind of Frankenstein's monster.

Also I'm wondering, after they stop doing steroids, will they regain some of their femininity? Or are they stuck like that for life?
I didn't see that show, but yes those steroids make those women look exactly like huge muscular men with long hair. It's creepy.
DH and I watched this a while back. It appears to me that female body building, at least at the heavy weight level, has gone out of control. I agree that the women up there, while they were muscular, looked sickly in other ways.

It was very disturbing.

I was a fan of bodybuilding back in the '80's and, maybe it's just me, but I don't recall the women at that time looking so freakish. I always thought Cory Everson, even in her Ms. O hayday, still had some femininity about her.
I find female body builders to be extremely a matter of fact, I don't even care for the male physique when they get really big and cut and veiny and...well, EWWWWW! :p

Hey! This is one for the thread a few days ago about things that gross you out! :7
NO! That's one of the things that's so sad--Miss Olympia 1st place gets $2000! As opposed to Mr. Olympia, who wins $150,000. These women are mutating themselves for pennies. :eek:

To supplement her bodybuilding income, this woman had a boderline pornographic website that charged $25 per month membership. My guess is her members are probably closet homosexuals who can't admit to themselves they're gay, so they go for the next best thing--women who look like men.
Ugh. These women would be gross even if they were men - the most recent ones, I mean. It really isn't normal.

Yes, I seen Supersize She alittle while back. I was like you...OMG! Give me them, just kidding!!!!! LOL! I can't imagine why they are doing such things to their bodies. Completely unhealthy and manly. I don't know why some even find her sexy and paying to see her on her pornographic site...WHY? That is not sexy! Yes, her skin does look bad too and her face is just rough looking. I got a kick out of her putting on makeup in front of the mirror and then just walking around with her purse and high heels on. Looked more like a man TRYING to be a woman in my opinion. Just ridiculous!

I saw it too - it really grossed me out. I actually joined in 1/2 way through. My DH was already watching it and I said who's that? he told me she was a woman - I thought he was kidding me - I said no way - that's a man with long hair! LOL!

Then I watched it and was sooooo grossed out! Those poor women are freaks of nature. the steroid use is awful - thier health is in jeopardy and I can't imagine that they could be employed anywhere after doing that! It was really sad, IMHO!
LauraMax, I saw this documentary a few months back and was very stricken by how the fitness industry isn't so fit after all, and how certain areas of fitness are closely associated with porn (something that rears its ugly head when I do fitness-related searches on the web -- I'm sometimes directed to links to porn sites).

Again, this is another reminder that nothing beats moderation.

>The physiques certainly have changed since Rachel Mclish
>and Carla Dunlap, but not for the better.

So true! My very first weight training video was "In Shape" with Rachel McLish, and I thought she looked fantastic!

Ok, just look at her forearms, hands, and fingers. They are a GUY'S. Ick. My SO just walked past my laptop and we were actually arguing whether it was a woman or a guy! LOL


And I agree, the fitness industry is NOT always about being healthy. It's about looking buff and tan (and ok, freaky and steriodish!), no matter what the health cost. Blech.

Eh eh, eh eh...
Dude looks like a lady!

I have seen the Supersize-She show almost 3 times now (nce all the way through, and twice I saw parts of it). I can't get over they things these women are doing to themselves.
Wow. From that gallery of Ms. Olympias, you can pretty much pinpoint the year that steroids took over. I'm sad that these women (as well as the men who compete on this level) have chosen to compromise their long-term health for a bodybuilding title.
I saw the last 20 minutes of this.

All I could think was "why would a woman want to look like that?"

"She"? Looks more like a transsexual, or a man with a woman's head on (except in the close-up camera work, where she definitely looked like a man).

I hope people watching this realize that this woman has been taking a lot of 'roids (the low voice, bad skin with acne scars, humungous muscles, square jaw, all point to that and/or human growth hormone) and DON"T think that you'll look like that from just lifting weights ("Oh, I don't want to lift weights because then I'll look like that woman!" Yeah, right, just like I'll look like Pamela Lee if I do chest work!).

Ick, ick, ick, ick!

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