Supersets and Push Pull


Can someone tell me what is the purpose of these workouts? Strengh gains? Muscle Endurance? Both? How should they be used? Should I heavy up or keep my weights fairly light while using these? Any help would be appreciated.
I think these workouts work best for the following goals:

- Maintaining strength, whatever your level of fitness, when you are pressed for time
- Gaining strength if you are an intermediate (or below)exerciser

I love these workouts but use the heaviest weights I can. A lot of the "die hards" seem to think these are too easy, but I personally think they pack a lot of punch into a shorter timeframe if you do go heavy with your weights.

I don't think there are enough reps to make this a good endurance workout.

Just my opinion. I'm sure you'll get lots of those!

If you have more time to devote...I think the premixes for these two workouts are great!
Being one of those who think these are too easy, I use the Mix n Match menus to create workouts by repeating the exercises 3 times each. Sometimes I combine all the abs work from Supersets into one abs workout. Sometimes I do the 2 or 3 sets of lower body premix from PushPull. Etc. I wouldn't have bought these if I had known how easy they were, but now that I have them, I do use them.

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