Super Dooper Mom's Check-in


Hi-di-ho Moms! How's it going? I had an awesome week. Justin's beginning to sleep through longer at bedtime (SEVEN hrs last night), so I'm a happy mom!!! :D He's also beginning to have a nap schedule during the day. One hour in AM & 2-3 hrs in PM. Yeah! I get to have a nap in AM & workout in PM. Hope this schedule becomes something reliable in future... we'll see. For now, I"m enjoying it. :D I didn't write down my workouts, so I"ll go by memory.

Sun: 3.5 mi run
Mon: off
Tue:Step Blast(no challenge) + Ab Ripper X
Wed:Slammin Sports Cardio (cardio only)
Thurs: off
Fri: Rhythmic Step parts 1-2 & Super Sets (yes, I did a strength training video)
Sat: I-Max Xtreme

I even enjoyed my strength training video (did it at 930PM last night). I didn't get the endorphin buzz I get from cardio, but I felt good that I exercised. I was super sore the day after I did Slammin Sports Cardio. That video was fun!

I updated my measurements & was pleasantly surprised. I'm about 3-lbs under my prepregnancy weight & overall about 4-inches less (additive from inches of arms,legs,thighs,abs,etc...). I'm only larger in the bust right now. This makes me happy, obviously. :D (I don't know how to draw cyber-boobs...or I would have inserted them there). :D

I was wondering about Mom's of 1-year olds...are you Moms still breastfeeding at all? Just curious. Justin's doing really good in that area still. I still have a healthy supply of frozen milk as well.

Aren't I chatty today? Best get going... :D

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi all,
Melanie, that's great that you and Justin are sleeping better.
Congrats as well on the weight loss.
I am glad you enjoyed some toning as well, i really felt the weight work has made the most difference in my body and has helped me from the getting the sag I see in some other women in their 30's.

Alexis weaned herself at about 9 months. I have friends whose children are over a year that still nurse for comfort. Most pediatricians recommend whole milk after 1 year. For me, I got more freedom when Alexis stopped nursing. Yes, my boobs are now flat but it is nice to have my body back. On the hand, why not use that frozen milk even after Justin is 1.

Alexis now loves to clap her hans, and bobs her head to music. she is now saying momma, dadda, doggie, oh oo, and like her mom is very outgoing saying "high" to strangers we meet.

Workouts? Lets see.

sunday-firm-power cardio
Monday-High step adv. plus bootcamp upper and cardio
Tues-don't remember
Wed-push/pull-upper 3 sets +supersets abs
Thurs-slow and heavy legs +supersets legs skipped calves but did 2 sets of tall box and floorwork
Friday-Franny Benedetto-cia 9704- hi/lo section
Sat-firm-complete bodysculpting plus 2 seg. of quickfix pilates. also took a walk to the park plus some with Alexis approx. 4 miles.
Hi Moms!!Wow Melanie-thats always a fun surprise to weigh and measure less than you thought! Congrats! I was done nursing when my baby was about 7months 1 week old.i never really had a ton of extra milk and it wasnt enough to keep him full-so i switched to formula.Are you doing formula or baby food yet?Thats great you still are able to nurse Justin!:) Shop-Alexis sounds so cute and mini! Well here are my workouts for this week:
Mon.-4 mile run/abs
Tues.PUB/3.5 mile walk
Wed.-Timesaver cardio step from #1,2,3/cardio&core from Bootcamp/4mile walk
Thurs.-Timesaver Legs &abs/4mile walk
Fri.-3.5 mile run
Sat.-Timesaver upper body/muscle end.tris,bis,&shoulders/4mile walk
Sun. Rest

Talk to you all later!:7
Hi Elyse & Smiley. No formula for Justin as of yet (and with the mother load in freezer, I think we'll make it to 1-yr and beyond). I certainly count that as a blessing, as some Mommies are unable to bf for one reason or another.

Here I was, feeling all good about myself w/weight & inches...and this elderly lady gave me a hug at church today. I had a "trendy" pair of jeans on & they're below the know the ones (hybrid b/w traditional & hip huggers). Anyway, she says, "oh I see you have some extra padding around the I do". Boy, talk about deflating my ego. :D I have a middle like my 90+ year-old lady friend from church. I guess I'll be doing Ab Ripper X more THIS week. ;) Need to dwindle away that middle a little more...

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I remembered Tuesday's workout. Stepworks plus PS abs. I tried to edit but was too late.
Smiley, i you give me your email, I will email you a picture of Alexis. My email is [email protected].
Melanie, what an awful thing for that lady to say but it doesn't mean you have an extra pooch. First of all, posture can make ones belly look bigger and some styles just accentuate. I have some clothes that make me feel my stomache has a pooch but I am now weighing about 101, 102 at 4 foot 11 1/2. In other words, sometimes a piece of clothing can make ones tummy look bigger at a certain angle.
Actually, I think it was my sides (or love handles) she felt. I've noticed my sides have looked a little spongy lately. The 'flat tire' look. ;) I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it, but it did hurt my over sensitive feelings. ;) I'll get over it. :D :D x( :D

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Melanie, Do you not usually do weights? I didn't even notice. Am I out of it? I am still breastfeeding. Just when Max indicates the need, and you know, at bedtime. I don't know how long I will continue, just whatever he wants/needs. My rule of thumb is I'm good just so long as he doesn't have memories when he's older of breastfeeding - HA HA! I think I'm funny, you see... Another question, do you only have ab ripper, or do you have the whole set?

This was an all Cathe workout week:

Mon- ME + BC cardio
Tue- Imax 2
Wed- Body Max
Thu- Interval Max
Fri- L&G Xtreme
Sat- C&W

Max is doing longer stretches of walking, but when he falls, he goes back to crawling again. This morning I saw the grossest diaper ever: his poop was black! I'm trying to figure out what I fed him yesterday to cause such a disgusting mess! It was like soot. Sorry, but hey, we all see poopy diapers every day!

Also, did anyone see the National Jump Roping Championships yesterday on ESPN2? It was fun to watch, I didn't know there was such a thing. It made me want to do some jumproping. I know there have been some jumproping exercise videos made. Has anyone tried one, or done a jumproping program? Let me know.
Hey Emy I got this cool jumprope a while back with a calorie and rep counter built into the handle. I plan on using it for interval work, but it would be fun to know if there is a workout for jumproping!!

Melanie...shopaholic is exactly right....depends on the outfit and how you are standing. Also a lot depends on diet. I have been eating TERRIBLE lately and I notice a layer of fat all over me. More carbs (ie grains, etc) more of that layer of flab. If I lo carb again it will disappear. Diet is 90 percent and mine has been crappo!!! I saw your picture and you are thin girl!!!!!!

I'll have to get my log to list workouts so I'll check back later!!

Hi guys,
How old does the baby have to be for me to join you gals? I've posted on the this forum before. I stopped and lurked for a while instead because I've been SO BUSY! My son Tennyson is 7 months old so I'm not sure if I'm considered postpartum?

Sounds like everyone is doing great! Keep it up!
Great! Tennyson is teething now so he's been driving me insane. He has one tooth broke out of his gums but not quite out. He sits up on his own, says mama, and LOVES to climb on me when I lay down on the floor. He's standing up somewhat well for a few seconds but plops back down. I have another son Nicolaus who's 2 yrs old. He's a pip. He has a mind of his own and VERY stubborn like his mother. Good for me being stubborn but bad for him. :)

Here's my workout week which was somewhat a lazy week. PMSed:

Sun: High Step Circuit
Mon: Kathy Smith's Power Step
Tues: Cardio Kicks
Wed: Walk Your Way Slim advanced level (had to go to Baltimore that morn. so I had to cut back on the time)
Thurs: Off
Fri: Terminator the Gauntlet
Sat: Off
Hi everyone!

I am still nursing Bardric. I will probably wean him at about 18 months or so.

Thanks for the encouragement about my HDL level, Melanie. The doctor didn't say anything about it, just said he wanted the overall level down by about 50 points. Grrrrr.

Bardric now can climb up on the table, which he does with an extremely satisfied smile on his face. He also thinks the toilet is a lot of fun, so we always have to keep the bathroom door shut. We call him "danger boy". He is going to be the child to break a bone. I don't mean to sound negative, but the kid has no fear....

Yes, after a longish plateau I finally dropped 2 pounds in a week and have now lost 40 lbs since my first post partum weigh in last year:7 :7. I have sort of lost all motivation to lose the last 5-10,however, but I'll just keep trying to try.

last week
Tues-CTX Step and Intervals + All Step (cardio only)
Fri-Step Blast
Sat-Boot Camp
Sun-30 min stationary bike

good to hear from you all
Few comments regarding nursing. I nursed the first four for almost three years each. The first one didn't eat OR DRINK until he was 25 months old and is healthy as a horse. The rest ate around the age of 16 months or so (very first foods - I always offered earlier, but they didn't want anything) but continued to nurse what seemed like an eternity. I never had one "wean themselves". I ended up putting garlic on my chest so it tasted "yucky" and they FINALLY quit. Baby number six has been bottle fed due to my many breast infections. It's been LOADS easier, but I'm sure not healthier, although he has been the healthiest of the bunch so far (go figure). My period did not return while nursing until the very end. I have had 4 periods in a 12 year span. Some people would think this was wonderful I guess, but I'm happy to have them right on time now.

Maggie, changing the way you eat takes time. I went vegan about 5 years ago and my normal cholesterol levels are non registering now. Actually on a regular blood draw I'm about 130, but if they use one of those standard machines it just reads LOW and doesn't give levels under 150. I'm convinced now that animal fats add significantly to high cholesterol levels. I used to crave cheese, but I can finally say that I can live life without it. When you change your habits, they eventually stop controlling you. Tough, but definitely possible. I'll be praying for ya!!! You're doing fantastic on your weight goal achievements!!!!

Maggie, I hear ya on the "danger boy" thing! Max sounds just like Bardric. Once I left him alone sleeping in my bed (after he knew how to get off by homself without falling), but I hear noises while I am in the other room. So I go to check on him and - hello - he has climbed from the bed up onto our dresser and is knocking my stuff onto the floor! Okay, so he's not sleeping alone in my bed anymore! Also, he has wriggled out of grandma's old high chair and crawled over the tray and halfway onto the table all in one split second of looking away! I tell you, I cannot keep my eyes of this guy.

I have a hunch that girls are not this way, but not having any other kids to compare Max to, I can't say from experience. I bet Alexis wouldn't be doing things like this. Am I right?

Briee, I am interested in what a sampling of your meals are like? Do you still low carb it AND eat your vegan diet? I am vegetarian, but that doesn't mean I eat TOTALLY healthy. I am still interested in improving my diet. You mentioned to Maggie that changing the way you eat takes time, but how long does it take to get over food cravings - not "occassional" cravings, but in general, in order to be comfortable with your diet change? In your case, are you talking days or weeks or months? Are you totally off sugar? Anyway, I need some inspiration.


I think the time has come for some sort of "challenge". Not a competition, a challenge. If you all are interested, we should brain storm, and take turns coming up with an "ultimate workout" - to be done maybe once, maybe twice per week. Maybe it could involve videos, maybe not. The interest, in my above post, in jump roping gave me this idea. I really need to kick myself in the butt and get out of my rut! Who is interested?

Peroutka for President
Hi Emy,
challenges weeks theme weeks sound like a good idea. This week I am doing born again virgin tape week. I am pulling out old tapes. Ms. Alexis is not walking yet so isn't a demolition crew yet, but she does bang her head as she tries lifting herself onto tables and closet doors. She is a little calmer than the boys but last week I had her crawling around the house naked and she stopped and let out some gas. Not very lady like. She does make a complete mess of the house now taking out everything.
Welcome Hotspur! I remember your handle, from earlier this year? Your little peanut sounds a lot like Justin. He loves climbing all over me, he acts like he's so busy! It's so cute!

Emy, I don't like weight training. I'm a cardio junkie, who knows I need to lift weights too, but neglects to, week after week after week... I"M doing CTX this week, so I'm lifting a little. A friend loaned me a copy of their Ab Ripper X. Actually, it was a compilation of a couple of the series, but I've only done Ab Ripper. It's easier to do around Justin (who likes to climb on the step when I'm working out). I like the idea of a challenge. I think all of us like a challenge (I'll be careful not to let my competitve spirit out). :D

Maggie, Bardic sounds so cute!!! Toliets are lots of fun. My dog likes them too. We keep the bathroom shut b/c of our until Justin figures out how to open the door, we should be safe!

Briee, garlic on the breasts? Does that keep DH away too? :) ha ha ha. Wow. All you ladies are so encouraging w/ BFing. I get a lot of crap at work about it. Lots of, "How long do you PLAN on bfing?". Give me a break, Justin's only 9 mos old & I"m already getting harrassed, particularly by two ladies who recently had babies and are NOT bfing. Of course, I tell them that they're jealous, ;) and that I"ll have to wean my 10-year old off first before Justin (J/K of course). :) I'm such a smart alick!!!

I think I'm caught up. Whew. This has a busy place this week!:)

BTW, Justin sleep from 9-12AM last night, and then from 12-7!!!! Yeah! VICTORY at the Melanie's home!!!!! Yeah!!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
LOL-Melanie-thats a great reply on the b-feeding have to wean your 10yr. old first! Thats awesome that Justin is sleeping longer for you!! My little guy has been sleeping so good too-last night he slpet from 9pm-7:30am!!!Thats the longest ever!!!:) :)

The challenge thing sounds fun!:eek:

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