Summer Fitness Challenge January 4 - 9

This challenge is to replace the New Year's Challenge - onward and upward, everyone! Hope some new people will check out this thread and join us. Everyone here has slightly different goals - some weight loss, some maintenance, some of us just want to be consistent with eating and workout out and need each other for support! So, if you fall into any of these categories - or any category for that matter! - join us!!!
Hi FFD and others,

Today I ran and power walked for an hour. I hate to admit that I haven't done any Cathe today. It's a shame because this IS the Cathe forums. I need to get myself in gear! I ate too many jelly beans today and some Chickfila which is fastfood chicken. I feel great that I exercised though! Have a great night and I love the new challenge name. Summer is going to be great this year. I am looking forward to some really cute summer clothes and swimsuits.

I'd like to join in on a challenge. I need to lose fair amount of weight - 40lbs to be exact. ugh. I haven't mastered all or any of Cathe's videos yet. I have the Body Blast series and the Intensity series. Done a little of everything mastered nothing... yet.

I tend to workout at around 4:30am. On Saturdays I work out at the gym and take an advanced step class which is killer. Recently my schedule had to be altered to workouts at the crack of dawn or it wasn't getting done. This is how I got into Cathe. Still struggle with getting my ass out of bed but always glad I did. Never, ever do Sundays. I rest to the max.

I have powerblocks, weight bench, body bar and all necessary equipment to get the job done. What I liked about the dvd's is someone telling me what to do on mornings when I just can't think yet. Cathe does my thinking for me and I truly enjoy her.

Weighed-in, took my measurements and even took pictures. I don't want to forget how I look right now.

Recently started logging all my food and finding it extremely informative and useful. As long as I'm being honest about putting everything in black and white it's easier to see the error of my ways when the scale ho starts talking back at me.

Okay I know.. yap yap yap.

Tomorrow's agenda: Cardio and Weights.


p.s. please feel free to scold me if I start to fall.
Hi Everyone,

I'm up for the challenge. I currently workout 6 days a week, sometimes twice a day depending on my schedule. I need to lose about 20lbs and currently attend weight watchers to help my 'stuffing the face all the time issue'. I'm planning on starting the January rotation at week 2 next week. Tomorrow is PUB, Thursday is PLB, Friday is MIC. Haven't figured out my weekend schedule yet.

Thanks for having me-it will help keep me honest.

Diana and Charm - Welcome! I'm sure I speak for the others (all of whom you'll notice are named Lori :eek:) in saying we're glad you're joining the challenge!

Charm - first of all, I can't believe you can do ANYTHING at 4:30! If you're that motivated and disciplined, improving at Cathe is only a short matter of time. Don't give up - the first time you conquer one of hers, you'll be fully hooked and feelin' great!

Diana, are you following Core or Flex? This thread started as a WW thing, but isn't necessarily anymore. I was on Flex before New Years and am switching to Core...
Hello everyone!

I'm sort of newbie. I've been lurking for a few months and been enjoying the useful information I find here. I'm ready to join in the fun :)

I gained some weight after my wedding. Almost 40 pounds (yikes!). It started on the all-inclusive resort we went to in Jamaica for our honeymoon:eek:. I lost about 15 pounds and stayed at that weight for 3 years. Imagine my frustration. I've been exercising the whole time but my downfall has been diet. I haven't been able to commit to any eating pattern for more than 2 weeks. I'll see great results and then somehow I regress. It's hard to keep failing! I think I need to be in a support network with like-minded people like yourselves. In a check-in environment where I'm held accountable, I may be less apt to cheat (that is my hope anyway!)

My goal is simply to be more healthy and hopefully in becoming so, lose 20 pounds by May 21. My best friend is getting married and I'll be standing up (in a sleeveless dress...ahhhhh!!!). If anything should motivate me, that should!!!

I just got the intensity and body blasts series and I started learning the step sections on those. I LOVE the weight training workouts!!! Cathe is awesome! I'm sorry I didn't discover her sooner!!

Well, I'm yakking too much. Thanks for having me! I'm looking forward to getting to know y'all better.

Hi, everyone! I'm doing a 3 week rotation to whip my legs and glutes into shape. Last night's assignment was kickboxing, so I did CTX Kickbox (cardio and abs only). Tonight Legs and Glutes is scheduled and I'm going to try to do some abs, too. Should be fun!
Hi Newbies and Oldies:) ,
I like the new name.It gives me hope that summer is not to far away.DH would kill me if he heard me say this.He loves the winter.I don't understand whyx(
Im glad to see some new people have joined.When did you start his thread? I didn't look.I looked for our old thread last night and it was on the other page so I probably just overlooked this one.
Yesterday I did Powerstrike and I am so sore today.I am doing L&G and a run shortly and I don't know if my arms are going to be able to get a weighted barbell over my head!And I would like to go heavier to.
Yeah,we all have different goals around here but they are some what similar.In the end, we all want the look like Cathe;) Im just joking.The post about wanting to know cathes workouts and eating patterens crack me up,everytime.Genetics!
The scale is staying the same for me and I didn't want to weigh today.A co-worker brought some creamcheese brownies to work yesterday for me.They also have creamcheese icing.Well.....I would pick the bottom off of the brownie and eat the top....I did this 5 times! Plus, I had a piece of choc cake with dinner (small piece).I am going to try and trick myself when it comes to eating.I am going to tell myself that if I want something I can have it in a hour.By the time the hour is up, I probably won't want it anymore or I will tell myself another 10 min.Maybe this way, I am not saying no to myself,which will make me want something even more.I am going to try it today and see how it goes:)
I will check back later,have a good day everyone,
HI everyone,

I'm in, too. :) I've got about 30 lbs. to lose and am doing WW's flex plan. I lost about 17 lbs. a few months ago and was soooo proud of myself. I was even getting into my "not so fat" jeans with a little room to spare. Anyway, I don't know what happened, but flash forward a few months and I ended up being a couple of lbs. heavier than I started out, so I'm at it again. I was really doing great with my exercising until I got a cold, but I'm starting back up tomorrow. I've got to get in shape so I can do the Hard Core series when it comes. :)

Even thought dh and I are both doing WW's, I still need to be accountable to someone other than him since I'm not going to the meetings.

Do we post during the week about how we are progressing or if we cheat, or give a once a week assessment?


Lee Anne
Hi Ladies,
I would love to join in on your challange also! I now work out with Cathe 5 days a week and would like to up it to 6. My goal is to lose 5 or so pounds, drink more milk (24 oz in 24 hrs) and...everyones cleaner :) The diet part is the hardest. I do well for a few days then fall off the wagon!
Looking forward to giving and receiving support! Everyone on this board is great!!
P.S. I lost 30lbs on WW last year and have been at life time for 1 year 1 month now!
Hi, everyone. Count me in as a newbie for this challenge. I lurk quite a bit on these forums, but I'd like to get more active. A quick bio: I am on WW right now working Flex. I workout to Cathe 6 times a week, and add in extras where I can...swimming, a kickboxing class at the Y, etc. I lost 40 lbs with WW and have been at goal since August 2004. I gained about 8 pounds since September from MANY things (DH passed away, holidays, hand surgery) and am working to get them off. In 2005 I really want to work for definition.

This morning I did PLB and because I my wrist is still quite sore from the surgery I used dumbbells instead of the barbell. I have heavy db's so I was still able to keep the amount of weight, but it was easier on my hand and wrist. Anyway.....thanks for letting me join! I look forward to the daily posts!

Shellie-I have to just comment about your last line (is that your signature line?). That one sure made me think! How true.

Good Day Everyone,

I'm new to the Cathe Forum's, but I'm up to the challenge. I need to lose 10 pds. I just ordered the last Step Blast series from Cathe, and have purchased all the necessary equipment needed for each tape, now all I have to do is move. I have done the Step Blast tape which I love and continue to do Imax 2 I just have to incorporate the tapes into my routines. I will be doing Kick, Punch, & Crunch tonight for the first time. Wish me success!!!

Take Care
Hi everyone!!

I am doing the January rotation, but will check in here too. I don't need to lose any weight, but would like to clean up my eating a bit. I am actually surprised that I didn't gain any weight with all those %$&*@ cookies and cakes that I have been eating:9. I have changed my workouts from the PM to the AM. This has worked out the past couple of days, but I have been hungrier througout the day because of this. Hopefully this check-in will keep my butt in gear with my eating. I WILL have chisled abs for summer}( ..LOL!!

Hello Everyone!!! It is so nice to see so many new faces!!!! Of course, I am one of the Lori's!! Yesterday I did Imax. I have been doing Cathe's August 2004 rotation for losing body fat and toning the legs. I am not the best at rotations, but I am going to try to complete this for the month, and then hopefully Hardcore will be here!!!! Today I will do ME. I haven't done that workout is so long, I am looking forward to it. I have stayed in my points for 3 days, YIPPEE!!!!! Some one else said they stick to a diet for a few weeks, see results, and then regress. I am the same way, exactly!!! I am bound and determined to lose 16 lbs. by April 7th. Last night my husband and I were looking at old pics from about 5 years ago, and man, did I look good. I could not believe it. Not too skinny, just perfect. All I did then was The Firm and walk. I took those photo's and pasted the on my fridge. I am also going to put one in my wallet and in my car. It was VERY inspiring. Have a good day everyone!!!!!!!!!!
What a great challenge. I have weight to lose and know I can do it I just have to get the eating under control. So far this week I have done pretty good. My first task is to keep out of the "fat" food (candy, ice cream etc). What I would like to do is a BFL way of eating that way I can eat the "fat" once or twice a week. Usually weekends. So this is a start....

I already workout 6 days a week getting up at 4am M-F and a little later on Saturday and Sunday is my rest day. I am jumping in with the January rotation. My body is sore and hasn't been sore in quite a while so this rotation is doing something.

Have a great day everyone.

Hi Ladies,

I would like to join in too.

Lori, I am doing the August rotation this month too. I actually started it Dec 30th. I finished week one yesterday. I am going to try and stick with it the whole month. I am adding in more cardio with it. Last night I did a run, CTX kickbox and the PUB abs.

Tonight is suppose to be a rest day, but I am doing a run...

Have a great day!!

I want to join in the challenge. I want to eat clean not to loose weight. I am in the second week of the April 2003 rotation. Yesterday was suppose to be my rest day but I did CTX upper body and 1 hour in my static bike. Today is PH and I am going to add more cardio in my rotation as Beverly is doing with the august rotation I did the past December. Have a great day everyone.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
I am more motivated to work out than ever since trying Cathe but I can't give my work outs 100% because I'm pregnant. Just wait until this baby is born and it is okay for me to go full throttle! WOO HOO! I get pumped just thinkin' about it! THANK YOU, CATHE! :7


We don't stop laughing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop laughing...Put more laughter into your life.
Holy Cow! This place is hopp'in! I'll never keep it all straight...can we just call everyone Lori? Lori#1,Lori#2,Lori#3....:) :)
I just finished Legs and Glutes and a 40 min run.

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