Summer Check In Tuesday August 30th

Hi Ya'll!

Isn't Sarah the best? She is just so sweet!

Well my omron is going to need new batteries soon, I am sure! I swear I wish it would start being REALLY nice to me. I don't eat bad so I just think it doesn't like me lately. LOL!

Well I just got done doing Legs and Glute. I had to stop when Cathe was doing the leg raises on the stepper. My DD was banging on a table as she was frustrated with her homework. I thought someone was trying to get in the door. Just aggravated me. So anyhow, when I got done, I went outside and watched the storm from Katrina come over the mountain. Geez, did that system move fast. It was refreshing to feel a nice breeze since it was so humid earlier.

Well sounds like today was a leg day for most of us. Hope we can all still walk by tomorrow! PRAY FOR DOMS!!!!

Hi, ladies!

I see you are all in a posting frenzy, lol. I am studying hard but wanted to say hello and hope you are all doing well. ;-)

It's good to see some of the other posters back, too! This is getting to be quite an interesting thread!!

Hope to be back soon...

Take care,

PS: I just got a notice that my new workouts are being delivered tomorrow! Yeah, I am so happy! :)

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