Suggestions Needed Please~Desperate!


Active Member
I was wondering if anyone could give me any suggestions regarding exercising and eating correctly. I can't seem to stop losing 2 pounds a month. This month I lost more due to being down with the flu. Currently I am 5'5 1/2" and 112 pounds. I would consider myself a Ecto body type.
I have been eating right and exercising 6 days a week...( 5-6 days cardio and one body part a day training ).

Would you suggest that I cut back on my cardio and concentrate on my weights? Maybe only incooperate cardio 3 days a week for 30 mins at a time?
Is their any good books on proper nutrition or would you suggest I see a Nutrition?
Please, can someone help, i'm at a lost here!!??

What's your typical menu like? Maybe you aren't eating enough calories to keep up with all the cardio. And yes, cutting back on the cardio would help. 3x a week is usually considered "maintenance level," I believe.
Here's a typical day for me:

B~ 6 Egg white scrambled w/ 3 slices turkey bacon, mini w/w bagel, peach and cup of green tea
S~ EAS lo-carb Nutrition bar
L~ Healthly Choice Dinner
S~ Apple w/ 2 Tbls. Peanut Butter -or- Protein Shake ( EAS Lo-Carb Choc )
D~ Usually Chicken or Fish, Salad, Veggie

Do you suggest I add in more healthy carbs?
You need to eat more food. Maybe add a baked sweet potatoe with lunch and add another meal after dinner and eat something high in protein low in carbs, like maybe a protein shake. This menu looks to be about 1500 calories (guesstimate) and I think you need to eat way more if you are an ecto. Add in so fruit as well. Also, drop the cardio to 2-3 times a week.
Follow Deb's (fitnessfreak) advice. Eat more GOOD stuff and definitely cut back the cardio.

I understand your concern. I'm 5'7" ecto and LOVE cardio (former instructor) and have to make myself do cardio only 3x per week. If I just can't stand it, I'll do a really low intensity, brief 4th cardio. I gained weight a few years ago when I became temporarily inactive & very stressed. Then I had to lose, but once my body lost the fat, it reverted back to pre-weight gain metabolism (I'm not complaining). Gaining any muscle size is difficult for me. Great on the definition, but not size.

Eat more and enjoy:)
You definitely need to eat more. Ratchet up your calories gradually to get yourself use to it. A really easy way to add calories is with healthy fats. Use a bit of olive oil when you cook or have a handful of nuts as a snack. If you're losing about 2 pounds a month, you'll need to add about 250 calories a day to maintain. You could probably just cut back a little on cardio but if it were me, I'd rather just eat more. :) Also, if you want to build muscle, you'll need to add even more calories.


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
I think you could add to your lunch - either a serving of fruit, veggies or both. If possible vary lunch instead of relying on the frozen entrees which often are low in protein and heavy on carbs and sodium. A salad with turkey or a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread would be a couple of options. You might also look at getting more calcium in your diet. If you don't drink milk, look at other sources - cottage cheese, yogurt.... Supplements are ok but not as good as the real thing. The body will only absorb so much calcium at one time so drinking, eating, or taking supplements throughout the day is best. I think for an ecto, calcium is even more important to prevent osteopenia or osteoporosis in the future.

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