Suggestions for Timesaver DVD


Instead of having only 5 fixed "Timesaver" premixes, could the dvd be set up so that we can mix and match the short cardio segments and the strength segments? With the workout blender dvd feature, we could just pick whatever cardio we wanted then one or two body parts to work on as desired for a custom CTX-type day. Or what about an option to choose do to two cardio segments in a row (with one warmup and one cooldown)? Maybe we could also have an "upper body split" option with all the upper body Timesaver footage put together also! Just some suggestions...I think the Timesaver dvd is a fun idea, but I would love to see the dvd options taken to their full potential on this one!

Hi Cathe!

I was wondering if the time saver DVD would have an ab section like the CTX series? I think it would be great to have all the abs for body blast on the disk, so you could add them to your workout! Just a suggestion, take it or leave it!

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