Suggestions for the older exerciser


New Member
I am new to stepping and am looking for suggestions to get started. I am 63 and had a hip replacement less than 3 months ago. My doctors have okayed pool and stair stepping exercises as long as I keep my precautions - don't bend over 90 degrees, don't cross my legs, don't turn my toes inward on the operated side. Physical therapy was my first exercise in several years due to pain from the hip and back. I have worked the abductors and flexors since surgery but am now ready to move forward. What do I do next?
First, I would get clearance from your doctors about a good beginning walking workout prescription, then I would consult your doctors again and get clearance for traditional step and other sorts of land-based aerobics (including "hi/lo" and kickbox), which can involve considerably greater range of motion through more planes of motion than simple stair stepping. You'll need to get clearance to work the hip extensors and adductors as well, as well as all the muscles of the thigh (quads and hamstrings). I don't suggest that due to your age but instead due to your surgical history.

Should you receive clearance for traditional step aerobics, you may consider getting Cathe's newer DVD for beginning step / general exercisers. You may also want to consult Collage Video ( for more step offerings oriented toward the beginning /recovering exerciser.

Regarding pool exercises, pool walking, gentle jogging, and standing range of motion exercises anchored at the side of the pool can be very helpful. Check out the website Fitness Wholesale (www.fwonline) and go into the Aquatics icon to find some videos dedicated to aquatic work.


Hi, hon .. !

I would add a few tips, also.

1. Listen to your body. Take your time to learn what you need to
know. Don't start out using any risers and no weights.

2. View any workout or class. By doing this, if you see any harder
moves, you can think of less hectic ways to build up.

3. Start out with about 15-20 minutes of the workout. There's no
rush to conquer the whole thing.

4. Take every other day off. If you experience soreness, you'll
have recovery time/rest time.

5. Double check with your doctor, OK?

Good luck and right on! What can't we conquer at any age!!!


Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!:7
A good step workout for beginners, that you can grow with for a while, is Kathy Smith's Step workout (it has three sections that gradually build in intensity, and the more linear moves are kinder to knees and hips than some more torquey, twisty moves that some step instructors do). If you like that, you could also try her "Great Buns and Thighs" step workout.

Gin Miller's Reebok step workouts are also basic, but interesting for a beginner (though you might not like the "industrial" setting).

The Firm has some step aerobics in many of their workouts, usually alternated with weight training, or combined with light weights.

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