Suggestions for Step Videos


I'm looking for suggestions for advanced step videos. I love Cathe, but I think I've already got all the advanced tapes she makes. I love the step portion of bodymax and am looking for something as intense as that(I already own Powermax, MIC, IM, Circuit Max). I tried Christy Taylor Step Heaven and it was too choreographically challenging. I really need something where the focus is on the workout, not on the choreography. I tried Rhythmic step, but it was also not intense enough and too choreography focused. Any suggestions????
Do you have Step Works? This is a toughie, but not too tough with the choreography. Nothing like Rythmic Step. That would be my pick.

Christi Taylor's HiLo Heaven isn't step, but it's intense and not too tough to learn.
Reebok's Intense Moves - this is a 30 minute interval workout. The intervals only last 1 minute. It isn't quite as hard as IMax though.

Reebok's Extreme Step- this is a 30 minute workout, also interval like, but it also has upper body weight bearing moves thrown in too. Again, not quite as tough as Cathe. (But is anything really?)

The choreography on both is pretty simple (more so the first).
Karen Voight's Energy Sprint is pretty good though not as advanced as Cathe (obviously!) But it works out the muscles pretty hard and in very easy in choreography.
I combine Reebok's Intense Moves and Extreme Step into 1 workout(60 minutes total - without warmup/cooldown). Great workout.

I also like Karen Voight's Energy Sprint, but, unlike the other post, I find it to be a hard workout.

Both are extremely easy to learn.

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