Suggestions for next workouts

I have been reading extensively the comments in regard to personal opinions on which workouts to get. I currently alternate between body max, strength, boot camp, muscle endurance. I got timesaver but I don't really use it because I like a full body workout each time. I am thinking about the Slow and Heavy series, The terminator seems to have alot of what I already am familiar with?, How is the pyramid series...also everyone seems to love CTX series. I need some new variety, please advise!! Thanks, Sharon D.
I am in the best shape of my life. I am 48, 5 feet 3 inches and weigh 110 lbs. I just lost 30 pounds eating sensibly and using the Cathe workouts. I feel awesome. I consider myself at the very advanced levels of cardio and weights. I have been working out with cardio and weights for years and since doing Cathe I have definitely gotten stronger and my endurance level has improved. I need more recommendations for cathe dvd's or video's to increase my variety.
Muscle Max is a good, fairly heavy, total body weights workout, so you may want to read the description and view the video clip. Its like an updated version of Maximum Intensity Strength.

Power Hour is fun. Its very high rep (endurance).

The upper and lower body pyramid DVD has a total body premix which I like.
Wow, Maggsab, you're an inspiration! Good job! I think it depends upon whether you like your cardio and strength separate or together. I can't stand combining cardio with strength, so I never tried CTX. But some people love it. For strength, I get great results from the Pyramids. I tried the Gym Styles, but I'm not ready for them yet. Very challenging, but you may be ready for them.
Thanks Nancy for responding..I'll check into Gym Styles and Pyramids.
I like doing cardio and weights together on certain days, you know, you have to be in the mood and each workout day I have to decide what I feel like doing!!

You look like Susan Sarandon in your photo... that's a compliment!

Thank you for your feedback,


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