Suggestions for Fat Loss?


For the past 3 months, I have been doing a 6 day on, 1 day off workout schedule using Cathe tapes. I am beginning to see definition in my neck area, and I THINK I saw my bicep the other day, but I still have that layer of fat over everything, including my arms, legs, and DEFINITELY my stomach. I have recently been doing the CTX series, and am also on WW - do you think I am not losing the fat because I need more cardio? I'm not TERRIBLY overweight - 5' 11" and 167. I just need to get rid of that LAYER .. ick.
Anyone have any ideas on what I am doing wrong, or anything I should try? Any advice would be greatly appreciated ....
Thanks! :)
Hi There,
I'm no expert at this, but, I will tell you what has worked for me.

Earlier this year I was in the same boat - exercised 6 days a weeks pretty consistently and the fat was still there.

2 things that have helped me...
1.) Cleaned up my diet - reduced carbs, sugar, and soda. Also made sure that I ate enough food so that my body did not think I was starving it.
2.) Added more toning days. I really do not like toning/weight lifting and previously did five days a week of cardio and 1 day of toning. Now I do about 3 days of toning and 3 days of cardio, depending on my mood. I generally alternate on & off between the two each day. Muscle weighs more than fat - but, fat takes up more room than muscle.

I can not stress enough the importance of a clean diet. All my time working out was wasted when I loaded up on candy and other less nutritious foods instead of veggies and other healthy low-fat & low-calorie foods.

Results: smaller mid section with possible 6 pack coming soon :), less cellulite and looser fitting clothes.

Hope this helps somewhat.

hi christy,

i read your reply to fat loss. I am having a real hard time with the last 10 pounds, i feel muscle everywhere but i CANT SEE IT!!!
what do you mean clean diet and if you dont mind could you give me a sample of what you eat throughout the day. i simply cannot starve myself thin,
I am full time student , i can find time to workout but i need to control my eating habits.

how do you weight train? 1 day of upper body and 1 day of lower body?
also, do you do 6 days of cardio staright?
sorry to bother you but i just need that last 10 pounds off and i know ive got muscle there!!
please help......
If your have not gotten the intensity series, please do! It's wonderful, and has a lot of circuit workout which incorporate cardio and weights, and I rank it right up there with CTX for her best yet.
The ab work, too, is her best yet.

Everyone is different, so you have to experiment with methods of exercise - more cardio, less cardio, cardio mixed with weights, etc.

Just Do It! :)
RE: CHRISTY question - Suggestions for Fat Loss?

Please share with me how you 'stopped' loading up with candy and other. I work out enough to maintain, but I want to see those muscles. For me, less sugar is the key. Any advice?
When you crave sugar, or anything less than nutricious, do you eat a raw vegetable, or what?

Thank you for any suggestions. I know the bottom line is 'just do it', but I need more.

This is what worked for me: drinking lots of water, green tea, increased weight training and increase your weights -- slow and heavy, power yoga, lots of veggies, very little carbs, walk/run program (walk for 2 min. run for 1 min. -- interval training). I went from a size 16/18 to a 2/4 presently. Also get a thyroid profile done, i was diagnosed as hypothyroid in Jan. 2002 and am taking medication.

Good luck, keep on working out and you'll get there.

Take care,

Thank you for everyone's good advice ... I hope to buy the Intensity Series as soon as I can afford to buy both a DVD player and the series!!! :)
I don't drink soda, so that's an easy one - but probably could use help on the caffeine, candy and carbs. I'm not willing to do a high protein diet (was told to avoid it at a dietitian consult I had), but I could definitely start loading up on more veggies/fruits instead of my carbs (I loooooooove pasta and bread!!!).
I'll also try adding Power Hour or MIS in to my current CTX rotation - that might help.
Again, I really appreciate everyone's advice!
Hi Aisha,

My diet currently looks something like this:

2 eggs scrambled w/spinach
2 pieces of low fat turkey bacon
1 piece of whole wheat bread with low fat butter (I can’t believe it’s not butter)

Mid-Morning Snack:
Apple or string cheese

Chicken Caesar Salad (no croutons)

Mid-Afternoon Snack:
Cottage cheese

Grilled Chicken
Tossed salad
Low fat/calorie dressing with less than 3g sugar
Baked potato or some other veggies

Sugar free jello or fruit

There are 2 diets out there that have similar menus – SouthBeach Diet and the Scarsdale Medical Diet. Both diets concentrate on low fat foods, few carbs and low sugar for 2 weeks, then gradually, adding them back in so you are eating healthy foods all the time. The purpose of the 2 week restricted diet is to get you off the sugar & carbs. Believe me, it works. I use to eat bags of candy in one sitting - That is not a problem anymore.

The last 6 weeks I have been using the Slim Series to tone things up. I have lost 11 inches - Mostly in my butt & thigh area.
Once again, my warning: I’m no expert at this…but here is this week’s schedule.

Sun – Sand Volleyball (120 minutes)
M – Mix It Up
T – Shape It Up (minus some of the arm exercises)
W – Tear it Up or Volleyball (60 minutes)
Th – Cool it Off
F - Cathe Step/Kickbox tape
Sat – rest

FYI - I consider Tear it Up 1 days worth of cardio, since it so long and because it gets my heart rate up a lot more than the other Slim Series videos. You could easily add in Cathe’s other videos instead of the Slim Series. I frequently do that – such as Power Hour and the Pyramid videos.

It sounds like you are on your are exercising and that is a major part of the process. Just be consistent and things will happen for you. :)

Hope this helps.

RE: CHRISTY question - Suggestions for Fat Loss?

Hi there,
I don't really have a magic way that I stopped eating the candy.

But, I can tell you this - I woke up one morning stepped on the scale realized I was 3 pounds heavier than the previous week (even though I workout consistently!) - I then looked in the mirror and was disgusted. I finally realized it was time for a change. I started doing the South Beach diet recently and that has helped tremendously to stop eating all the sugar. The first 3-4 days are hell – I won’t lie to you. I had frequent headaches, but, that went away. I have a lot more energy now than I did before the diet battling the sugar highs & lows. It is just will power at this point. If I cheat once on the diet, I cheat myself and, quite honestly, I don’t want to fail this time. Plus once you cheat, it gets easier and easier to cheat again...

Something that has helped me is to chew gum. If I have something to chew, then I’ve found that saying no to all the bad stuff.

Hope this helps...

Someone told me that you lose weight when you walk and you tone when you jog, is this true ? Because I read from someone on here that she lost more weight when she started running.
I already walk over an hr a day on my treadmill on an incline with ankle weights. So anyone who knows the answer to this please reply :7 .... thanks so much .. Rhonda :7
If you want to tone you need to weight train. Cardio won't do it, but cardio combined w/ weights, like in the intensity series, WILL do it.
I do lift weights 3 to 4 days a week, I have MIS video, and Terminator DVD, and just ordered the Power Hour + MIS and Body Max, I am really excited, so far I am losing a lb a week. I am at 120 , I want to lose another five by the 25th of next month, and then I want to get to 103, thats what I weighed before I had kids ..... I am just happy my tummy is getting flatter, oh and I just put pilates ABs bun and thighs sculpting into my worksouts ...... Rhonda :7 :7
Ok, when you all say, "Lots of Veggies", how do you eat them most of the time? Do you steam them, eat them raw without any dip, even if it's low fat or no fat? I have tried to eat them with no fat cottage cheese and that tastes pretty darn good for an option, but just plain? That might take some getting used to. NOw that it's summer I find it more tempting to eat more fruit, is that bad? I was always in the mind set that fruit is good for you.
Just to say that when I started eating fruit daily (2-3 pieces), my candy sweet tooth totally left. I can honestly say that I haven't eaten candy in six months (something I used to eat every day) and I can now look at office cake and cookies and just say no. It really doesn't appeal! Yes, fruit is still a form of sugar, but it's got fiber and vitamins and is just plain good for you! And veggies? I stir fry in a little olive oil and use a little low sodium soy sauce. Or I steam them and put over brown rice and black beans with salsa.
Ooo, that black beans and salsa thing sounds good.
You knwo what we should all start doing is posting good recipes, I was thinking about that earlier today. I know that I have a few low fat, fairly low carb recipes that I can post and I am sure that a lot of you do too. Is anyone else interested or is that not allowed on this web site? I don't remember all of the rules anymore, just the more obvious ones.
Maybe people already have been doing that and I just haven't seen them yet.
I started keeping a food diary. I simply counted calories. I ate all kinds of food including sweets and salty snacks, I just kept the quantity of those types of foods low. I lost weight slowly, but it did come off.

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