Sorry if I offended you, nckfitheart2009, it was just that you'd mentioned the rep ranges from 8-12, so I thought I'd give a shout out to low reps and heavy weights. As I think you are saying, it's important to work in all the ranges.
Turquoiseyes- good idea on bodyweight stuff (I try to do 2 bw sessions per week-not to be underestimated), chatarungas are killer!
You are absolutely right about chaturangas! I've heard of people breaking toes over that pose, and I believe it. I do a pretty careful version involving the transition into that position, mostly avoid the jump. The holding part of that move with that serious triceps burn if held long enough- yowsah!
I remember reading in Beryl Bender Birch's book about Ashtanga yoga years ago that she did something like 75 of these advanced Sun Salutations for a workout that really built "heat" up for her. I thought to myself, "No kidding!" I personally could not stand doing 75 Sun Salutations in a row (talk about boring!) Even if I was physically able to do it I'd pick just about anything else to do, but more power to her. (She was not, I might add, built like moi. If so, she might find 10 Sun Salutations gave more than enough "heat"!)
I've been trying to incorporate more yoga into my routine lately (like you, 2x a week), because I feel it helps strengthen my wrists better than any other workout. I've been feeling the twinges of tennis elbow, arthritis in my hip, Achilles tendon helps with all of that.
To get slightly back on-topic (y'all are so fun to talk with, it's hard to stay OT), Bret Contreras has a good bodyweight book that combines the actual exercises with detailed anatomy sketches showing the muscles worked. I LOVE books that have the pictures of exercises described, and all the better if it's color-coding the muscles worked for me! There's something about that I find so motivating. There's also a book called "Complete Calisthenics", by Ashley Kalym that's really good, full of unique bodyweight exercises. It is VERY advanced at times though, way more than I could do with my Jayne Mansfield-esque upper half unless I wanted to black both my eyes out every time...Nonetheless, great triceps work comes out of many bodyweight exercises shown in those books, as well as great agility and flexibility gains overall. I think doing some work on these compliments Cathe workouts quite nicely, depending upon the type of rotation one wants to follow.
I really agree with you, Justine, about the need for including low rep/heavy weight work. I think many women (me included!) tend to spend very little time overall in our training doing this type this work. That, and the slow-and-heavy type stuff. I was recently bummed to realize my ability to lift a certain amount of heavy weight for a few reps had gone down (similar to the 1-rep max test, I guess), even though my muscular
endurance, cardiovascular endurance, speed, and flexibility have improved over that time period. While I've continued to work out despite the various life and pain issues I've had, I just haven't done much with really heavy weights in the last year or so. I'm not happy about my strength loss, because I've hit that age where it shows. I have had legitimate reasons to take it a bit easy (like the tendon issue I mentioned above), but I'm determined to do a S&H month this year, and I've started training split-style again, really getting myself focused back on serious lifting for every muscle group.
If I could briefly answer you, CeciFifi, I think it's utterly essential to focus on strength gains for reasons that go far beyond what is happening in our lives today. This isn't intended to be a lecture, I'm simply offering up what's behind my own drive to gain more strength, especially knowing that it's a reality if I don't work at it regularly.
For one thing, getting more muscle is beautiful to me. It helps me look better, which is always nice!
Feeling stronger at 35 than I did at 25 is amazing to experience. Ultimately, I try to do it in order to prevent the muscle loss many of us get after around age 35. It's also important to keep building muscle and strength to deter osteoporosis, bone density loss that can lead to fractures or broken bones, energy drops, and hormonal imbalances. The more muscle we have, in general, the more
energy we have. Life today requires so much out of us all, I think this is important to note.
It's not even always so much about
gaining strength sometimes, as it is
maintaining the strength of youth. I can say that from watching my 80-year-old grandmother wither down to nothing in bone and muscle, becoming a completely helpless being in the last years of her life, I got a painful wake-up call about the horrors of massive muscle and bone loss. She was an extreme example, but her deterioration is not uncommon, and much of her torturous final condition could have been avoided. The many things we do in day-to-day life, the actions we can understandably take for granted today, can someday turn into impossible feats. Seeing someone struggle to get a breath even while an oxygen machine is turned on at 100% power...unable to even hold a checkbook and pen due to how weak their hands and arms feel their spine crumbling under your fingers when you hug them...well, there really are no words to describe how pitiful and painful it is. To see someone lose that much cardiovascular capacity and muscular strength, when I know from experience and decades of scientific study that weightlifting could have completely prevented it all, is absolutely tragic. I lift weights, stretch daily, and do regular cardio sessions because I don't want to be like that in old age. A lady I admire very much, Joyce Meyer, has a saying that I love: "Wisdom is doing right now what you will be satisfied with later on." I aim for strength gains because I believe it's ultimately a choice of wisdom for me. (I don't say that this is what everyone has to choose, or that I'm absolutely correct, but it's what I think is right for me.) I don't take the strength of today for granted anymore. I hope this doesn't sound like a sermon, as that's not my intention!
It's merely how I feel about lifting serious weights, that it's an activity I'm blessed enough to know about and have the ability to partake in, and I do so in the hope of having a long, healthy life full of energy and endurance. I say that knowing that I have to elevate the level that I'm working out at right now, too. It's a lifelong journey.