Suggestion for chest/back music


Dear Cathe,

I just absolutely love the new 4DS series! Overall, the music is great, but I've noticed that I tend to get off-track a lot when I'm doing the chest and back exercises on HIS since the music is at such a fast pace.

The music is also fast-paced with the other weight workouts, but with those other workouts, it's easier to follow along since we can look at you on the TV when we're not following the beat. In the chest and back workout, though, it's too hard to look at you while doing the exercises, and so I find myself getting off-count/off-beat a lot since I can't see what pace you're following.

For the next series, could you please consider using slower, on-beat music for any exercises when we can't look at you on the screen?

Again, thanks for the wonderful workouts! I can't wait for the STS workouts! They look like they'll be AMAZING!!

While I appreciate the slower pace with heavy lifting, it would be easier to not have music at all than to have music that I have to ignore. I can do it, but I'd prefer not to because it's a little distracting.

I agree with Leanne.

ETA--I suppose I could use the voice only option, but I do like having music of some sort.

I personally don't mind going against the music, but would like to know the rep count of each set before doing them, so even if I'm not following Cathe's cues, I know I am getting the right number of reps.

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