Sugar question

Lee Anne

I am giving up sugar and simple carbs. Does anyone know how long it takes to get the sugar out of your system, and also how long it takes for your body to recover from the ill effects of sugar?


Lee Anne
I think it takes something like 7 days for your body to rid itself of all of the simple sugars/carbs once you stop ingesting them.
Thanks for the info --- I have stopped taking anything with high fructose sweetner in particular.

Now I have given up sugar.

I miss the sweets -- I've been miserable. How long until I no longer crave the junk?

The only sugars I am taking are from fruits.,.,,,,

I am on a very strict diet right now, my trainer tells me it takes awhile, I am going through the same exact thing as you, I miss my sugar!
He recommended having a hard candy made with Splenda to curb cravings until they eventually disappear. Its awful, I know!x(
I've been on the "no white sugar/processed" kick since New Year's. The only sugars I do eat are agave nectar, turbinado sugar in my tea, hot cocoa, and one square of dark choc. per day. No white bread, no HFCS, no artificial sweeteners.

I can't say there was a switch that went off where I didn't crave sugar, and really I wasn't a real sugar freak anyway, but I'd say it took me at least 2-3 weeks until I didn't really think about it that much. I don't know if my body doesn't crave it or that donuts/cookies, etc. are so taboo that I don't give it a second thought. But, all in all, it's been easier than I thought!

Now, I want to know when my cravings for peanut butter and cheese go away!!:9

Lee Anne,

Check out the website. It describes a program designed to help people, who have a problem with sugar, give it up. Kathleen DesMaisons designed the program. It is a 7 step process that can be used to gently give up sugar and to get rid of sugar cravings. I used it to give up sugar 2 1/2 years ago because that's all I wanted to eat.

Along the top row of buttons, select "7 Steps". Also check out the "Community Forum" link to the right to view the forum.


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