

Hello everyone - this is my first post after lurking for months. I started using Cathe last summer and love her workouts. My question is - has anyone ever compiled a list of tapes that are similar, ones that can be substituted in a rotation. I'm currently doing my first rotation, Fat Loss and Definition. I have about half the workouts listed. For example, I don't have CTX Upper Body and I'm substituting PUB. I don't have ME and am substituting PH. I know The Firm categorizes tapes as tortoise, hare, classics, etc. Is there such a classification for Cathe workouts? If so, where do I find it? If not, does anyone have suggestions for substitutions? I currently own S&H, PUB/PLB, PH, MIS, Body Max, RS, MIC, and IMAX 1. I also have some Firms and Christi Taylor, although I've lost interest in The Firm since finding Cathe. I would appreciate any advice from the Cathe experts.

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