
Message: I use a lot of your weight training and cardio videos/DVDs.

Can you advise me if they are as good as attending your classes.

Will I get the same benefits and results from your videos/DVDs as I would from participating in your classes.

I will add that I am very strict with myself and comply fully with your instructions.

Thank you in advance for your reply.
Hi Slim! I believe that the VHS/DVD's are comparable to a live class workout. Of course they will differ in delivery due to the nature of live vs taped but the intesity is very similar. Have fun:)
As someone that has taken classes live with Cathe--I have to tell you that I much prefer doing the tapes. I can pause the tape when I need to without worrying that someone in the class thinking I'm a big weenie! LOL Cathe's classes are awesome!

The other thing I encountered was that because I was not familiar with the class, I didn't lift as heavy when I was there.

Hope it helps hearing that perspective.
I would love to come to Cathe's Gym one day and take a live class!! And hopefully one day I'll be able to. However, I was thinking last night as I did Imax 2 that I don't think any classes will be offered at the time I usually workout ( at 1:00 am:eek: ) Plus, as already mentioned, when at a live class, it is pretty hard to push the pause button to redo a move :7 ! But still, I would love to come from Canada to do a live class one day. I always hear they are awesome!! Helen

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