Stupid question-how much toilet paper do you use?


Hi everyone,

I'm sorry to ask you all a stupid question. But my husband keeps telling me that I use waaaay too much of toilet paper. Actually a single roll doesn't really last that long... So I've been wondering what's the "average" usage when you go to a bathroom.
A double roll usually lasts less than a week in our house (there are 3 of us). I don't know how many sheets I use after going to the bathroom, but I use about 15 sheets in each cup when stuffing my bra. ha ha
I'd say 4 squares.

Oh no, you aren't one of those who use so much that you wrap it around your hand like a cast, are you? !:) ;-) I'm sorry but that just cracks me up :D
>Hi everyone,
>I'm sorry to ask you all a stupid question. But my husband
>keeps telling me that I use waaaay too much of toilet paper.
>Actually a single roll doesn't really last that long... So
>I've been wondering what's the "average" usage when you go to
>a bathroom.

When I was a kid, I had a "talking to" because I used too much toilet paper! Now, I buy my own, so I don't care how much I use (and I order recycled TP by the case, so I always have it on hand).

I think men generally think that women use "too much" TP because they only use it for one purpose (instead of 2).
LOL!!! This thread is funny!

I've never counted the number of sheets, but DH says I use enough to make an oven mitt.
This thread is cracking me up. Donna, that was hysterical.

I use probably an arm's length. The 4 year old daughter usually uses one single square :-(

We have six children and five of them are potty trained (well, after a certain age, they better be). We go through a LOT of TP. Hubby has told the kids the proper usage but with so many people in our home we are always buying the stuff. My five year-old daughter doesn't like to even use toilet paper because she has a great fear of clogging the toilet. (So, I'm always having to remind her to wipe.) We were in a public bathroom in the stall and she asked me "Mommy, are you going to clog the toilet?".:eek: (How embarrassing.) She has this fear because we have had so many toilet clogs at our house over the past few years from toothbrushes, toys, etc. In the last two months we had to take the toilet from the kids bathroom outside and push the toy out from the bottom. (My youngest likes to put toys in the toilet and flush them down.) Needless to say this is getting old fast.
But hey, I am now officially a pro-plunger.:7 Oh, and hubby has gotten his moneys worth out of the snake thingy.

Have a good night.
Donna,,,hahahahahhahahahahah :7 wiseass! i love it!

i use ALOT. dh and i have seperate bathrooms and so i am the only one using in mine and i go through about 2-3 rolls/week (double rolls) that's alot, but as someone said above, i do the oven-mitt thing. and with all the water i am drinking, i have to go alot x(

funny thread!

Your husband needs to get his priorities in order. Using too much toilet paper, in the grand scheme of things, is not a big deal.
I'm with cakebaker on this one. I use however much is needed at the time. I am the one who does the shopping so I don't think hubby should complain.

OK - now I'm not ownly watching my food intake, my exercise output but also my tp consumption! I seem to average around 12! I grew up in a family of 10 kids and we were never limited. Limits with tp is a foreign concept - perhaps borderline cruelty!!! :)

I did enter a bathroom at a convention centre once that had a sign on the door that said "Please limit yourself to two squares of tp." What were they thinking? I had to wonder how that came up in a mtg and whether it hit the minutes or not - and how many people were awake when the motion was passed.

BTW how did life go on for thousands of years without it?

LOL! Too funny! Made me laugh first thing on a monday morning. Thanks!:)

Anyway, I don't know how many sheets I tend to use, but a roll doesn't last very long in my house. It's only me and DH and we go thru it pretty fast. I'm sure I use more than the average person...I guess I'm paranoid! lol


We don't stop laughing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop laughing...Put more laughter into your life.
This is so funny! I never counted before, but I just counted and I used 16 squares of single ply (like Scott tissue, but store brand). Anyway, my DH always makes fun of me because I wad it up instead of folding it up like he does. I guess that's similar to the "Oven mit"!

Ha, ha, ha.....
My mother swore by Scott Tissue and I think she was right. When I switched to the recycled type, I swear they used a roll per sitting. I bought two of the Scott16 packs which came with a bonus four and they lasted quite awhile but our consumption is crazy. I would guess when the roll never makes it onto the roller because let's face, those rolls are heavy and that requires too much effort, they do the oven mitt thing; I know I do, but a roll on the toilet paper thingy probably gets "the pull" which yields a nice long piece to be wrapped or wadded according to preference. I always seem to be the person who discovers a new roll needs to be brought into the john and that's in spite of always placing several rolls each time I stock. My bathroom is usually the first place anyone seeking toilet paper hits and they swipe mine, which I always discover too late and oh, I have had more than one attack of resentment on the throne, contemplating getting to the stash, marvelling at how one adult man and two teens can never find their way into the linen closet for a roll although it's closer to the bathroom they frequent most often than is the bathrom I use the most. I am thankful for toilet paper. Imagine life before toilet paper. Do you remember stories about the Sears catalog in an outhouse? I wonder who invented it. I'd like to shake his hand. I think? Maybe not, but kudos, toilet paper guy!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
>I did enter a bathroom at a convention centre once that had a
>sign on the door that said "Please limit yourself to two
>squares of tp." What were they thinking? I had to wonder how
>that came up in a mtg and whether it hit the minutes or not -
>and how many people were awake when the motion was passed.

Since you use "centre" and not "center," I assume you may be British? Are those "2 squares" the same kind of useless, waxy TP that they have at the Tower of London? I never figured out how to use that (but I wasn't there very long).

Besides, how many squares you use would depend on what you are doing! A #2 takes more TP than a #1, and if you do both at once, more than two squares are necessary.

What TP police are going to check on someone?
O.K.,I've been keeping track. When I do both #1 and #2, I use an arm's length. When I just do one or the other, about 1/2 that.
This is too funny!

The toys clogged in the toilet I can relate to - I have little ones too who love throwing things in the toilet

My 5 year old son has trouble wiping himself. He takes the toilet paper - rolls out at least two arms lenghts...but then proceeds to use one piece in the middle (without tearing it from the roll btw) and wipes and then drapes it over the toilet with the used portion hanging down inside. YUCK!! Of course, its still attached to the roll and the rest is hanging over the sides!!


I usually walk in after and see this mess. Have to call him back in to clean it up.,

Yes we go through tons of TP in our house - tons!

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