sts notice

I haven't gotten anything yet either but people with invoice numbers later than mine have so I'm confident mine has also shipped.

I know it's hard to not get frustrated but I figure even if by same crazy chance mine was somehow passed over, I have my invoice and I know that Cathe/SNM will make it right. I wasn't planning on starting until the 16th anyway so that's plenty of time for me.:)
I never got an email notice either, and mine showed up today. Don't worry -- it'll get there soon! :)
I haven't gotten a notice yet either, but then again, I didn't order STS until November. So I'll be waiting patiently. It'll get here eventually.
I am sure it is on the way

Just hoping to console you some more...I ordered mine this September (four months ago) and got my notice this afternoon. So I am sure yours is on the way too. SNM said that every preorder this happens. There is a percentage of people that do not get an email from ups quantum tracking.
Hope this helps,
oh my, I haven't received an email and when I go to the UPS link and put in my phone number it doesn't show any shipment. I ordered in September. I'm hopeful that it will ship in the next day or two. So excited for everyone! :cool:
Mine was scheduled to be delivered today. And then at 8 PM the tracking info said "the package was missed at the UPS facility and it will be delivered the next business day". Did they forget to put it on a truck? That's just my luck...
No notice for me yet,am i the only one:confused:

Nope:(. me too. But Cathe said she thought the rest would be out Tomorrow.I hope:confused::eek:;) SOOO... I guess I'll fight my cookie craving I'm having, I think it cause I'm anxious;)

Maybe you're one of the ~20% who won't get the email shipping notice. I got my notice and can view the shipment on the UPS site with the 1Zxxx tracking number, but entering my phone number still doesn't work, even though it's listed as Reference1 on the tracking screen using the UPS number. So you may be pleasantly surprised when your UPS guy brings you a package from Glassboro, NJ. ;) Keeping my fingers crossed for all of you!
me too!

I ordered June 16th and have no email or notice. ugh! My SIL is teasing me since she got hers today... but she ordered the first week or so! Patience (I am not...)! ;)
HeeHee... Patience would not be my Indian name either! More like "Stands with hands on hips, tapping toe, ready to attack Brown Dressed Man" :eek:
patience? o...k...

I found my tracking info! I'm due to be the proud new mama of an STS program as of TOMORROW!!! and I had no idea what my order number was, just that I had ordered on june 16.
no... my patience has not improved. but the knot in my stomach has!!
This is sorta confusing...

I noticed that some people recieved notices of delivery whose order numbers are higher than mine.:confused: What is even worse is that I paid overnite delivery, no notice via phone number or notice via email. My aunt, who ordered on the very last day, recieved a notice. I intially ordered in Feb, cancelled and reordered in November, what gives? I am hoping to receive it before Monday, for it is when I will begin my rotation (6 months).
I noticed that some people recieved notices of delivery whose order numbers are higher than mine.:confused: What is even worse is that I paid overnite delivery, no notice via phone number or notice via email. My aunt, who ordered on the very last day, recieved a notice. I intially ordered in Feb, cancelled and reordered in November, what gives? I am hoping to receive it before Monday, for it is when I will begin my rotation (6 months).

I wouldn't worry, because mine still isn't in e-mail, and didn't show thru phone # until tonight late. So it might have shipped and shown up yet. I ordered in DEC.


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