Hello. Posting from my phone while I wait to get my nails done. Still no true doms to speak of in my glutes. Just a little feeling of fatigue. Its ok though coz I have an asylum lower body work out on tap for tmrw so that should fix them!;) Today will be A2 Back and 6 Pack when I get home and then it's off to my mom's for dinner! I will bbl or itam work personals!:)

PS...I put in a bid on body pump this morning eBay! Fingers crossed! :)
Hi gals!

I went to another hot yoga class with a good friend this morning. It's tough stuff!!! Some of those girls are crazy flexible. I was able to do the crane pose (barely) but wasn't even close to the peacock. Something to work towards! Even though I'll never be a hot yoga fanatic I love adding it in every few weeks just for something different.

Wendy: I've got my fingers and toes crossed that you win the body pump auction! How do your nails look? Fierce i'm sure. ;) Work that booty tomorrow! :D Oddly enough i've been wanting to do Butts & Guts just for the intense DOMS I know will follow. Crazy, right?

Wiggie: I must admit your review of MIC has me convinced I need to "forget" I bought that DVD, LOL!!! Okay, so which do you prefer - Tapout XT or Combat? I know I keep asking you guys questions, but I REALLY want to buy a new workout and can't decide what to get (Combat, Tapout, Asylum 1 or 2, Insanity, etc.).

Just a fly by to say that I didn't get in a work out y'day b/c I ran out of time and today I had to pull back the reigns on what I did due to an arthritis flare up in my neck. :( That being said, I went from an Asylum weight training work out plan to Tracy Anderson's Mat work out and an Asylum stretch. Better then nothing though. :rolleyes:

BBL or tmrw!:cool:

Yesterday I did STS Disc 31 (chest and back). Only two weeks left (counting this week) of STS. YAY!!!! This morning I decided to give Cardio SuperSets another ago. I've come to really enjoy that workout!

Okay gals, I might be making a BIG change in my life. I THINK i'm going to apply to be an FBI special agent. The FBI has a few windows throughout the year in which you can submit an application. One of those windows opens this Friday. I'm still not sure I want to do it, and i'm still not sure I can pass the PT test. It's so much harder than it looks on paper. But i'm going to try. If anything, I can submit my application but not actually go through with it. The whole process to become an FBI agent is loooooong (6 months to a year). I'm still processing the idea and i'm not sure if it's right for me, but we will see!! I did find a 6 week PT training program that i'm going to start after I finish STS. It's slightly insane, but maybe that's what I need.

Wendy: HAHAHA! Your last post cracked me up. **pause while I clean the coffee off my desk** Okay, i'm back. Boo on the arthritis flare up but high fives on the killer workout! And you're absolutely right, ANY workout is better than nothing. I'm impressed you were able to get in any sort of workout with the flare-up. Keep rocking it!

Hi Wiggie!! Hope you had a great weekend gal!
Good morning Ladies!! :cool:

Friday's workout was Tone it Up, Saturday I rode my spin bike & did some lower body on my own while I watched Tangled, an animated movie about Rapunzel. I love animation!! :D Sunday's was Firm it Up.

Wendy: Sorry to hear about your flare up :(, hope it's better today. You are so making me want A2. I'm still not having any luck with A2 on Ebay, but I will keep trying.

Katie: I haven't done many Tapout workouts yet so right now Combat has my vote. Wow, FBI agent, how exciting!! I bet you can pass the pt!! Good luck during the process!

Have a great day!! :)
Hi Ladies. :)

Tmrw's plan is A2's Power Legs and then Wednesday will be Upper Elite.:) I'm doing what the rotation prescribes but in the reverse order. :p

DS was sick this weekend but is already on the mend and at school today. He came home friday with a fever and a sore throat so I took him right to the dr to get him on antibiotics. They gave him motrin in the office so by the time we were leaving the pharmacy he was a whole new kid! :D

Tonight I am going to do some interning straight from work. Can't wait to see what's planned for me! :eek:

Katie:: Whoa that's exciting/fabulous/scarey/cool news re the FBI!!!! At my old job, my boss' boss' daughter was an FBI agent! Very intruiging career for sure! Best of luck to you girl! I have faith that you can do it if you decide it's what you want! :) So did I make you spill your coffee from laughing at my b is back comment? :p

Wiggie:: Nice work outs as usual. I keep thinking about Slim Series hearing about you doing them lately. I am having a "love affair" with all things BeachBody right now so I really should pull them out as well! ;) I enjoy animated films also and have the perfect excuse to go see them as I have a 7 year who likes going to the movies! :D

That's all for now.
BBL or tmrw!:cool:
Good morning!!

Monday's workout was Cardio Strength by Michelle Dozois.:eek:

Wendy: *crawls in to the thread on hands and knees gasping for air*, I like that!!:D
You are rockin those A2 workouts, good job!! I am so surprised that I like Slim Series so much. I actually reach failure on many of the exercises. She also has many moves that I've never done before. I like that she focuses on the lower body so much, but she works the arms very well also. So glad DS is feeling better. Kids recover so quickly, if only we could do the same!! :p Have fun interning tonight!! :)

Katie: What's on the agenda for today? :cool:

Have a great day Ladies!! ;)

Today's workout was Disc 33 (shoulders, biceps, and triceps). I've officially decided triceps are my weakest muscle group. I was able to increase my weight every week for all other muscle groups, but struggled every.single.workout with the tricep exercises....and that was with increasing my weight minimally or not at all.

Thanks for all your warm thoughts on my potential FBI career path. I submit my application on Friday (3/1) but it could take 6 months to a year before I know anything definite. The pending federal budget cuts could squash this idea too. :confused: I'm a little nervous about the running aspect. For the PT test you only have to run 1.5 miles and a 300 meter sprint. I need to work on my speed, but I know I can handle the distance. But i'm worried about my knee issues. I was hoping to get some help from the Cathe Nation regarding a potential brace, but it appears I struck out. :(:confused: But I did some Amazon research and found a brace that suppousedly helps IT band issues. Fingers crossed!

What do you all think about Cathe's newest DVDs coming out? I'm excited as always. :) I may not pre-order immediately, but I'm sure i'll cave in the next few weeks/months.

Wendy: Are you feeling over there girlie? Able to breathe yet?? Now A2Power Legs sounds like a lower body workout I need to get ASAP! :p;) How was your intern session last night? Yes, I spilled coffee yesterday laughing at your B* comment. It was well worth it, though. :D Whew, glad DS is feeling better! I'm sure that was a trying and stressful time for you (and DS and DH).

Wiggie: Way to rock the workouts this past weekend! I always enjoy seeing your weekend workout roundup! ;) I love animation movies too. When I spend time with my 6 year old nephew i'm often asking him to watch animation movies with me (Aladdin, Lion King, etc.). :D Thanks for your thoughts on Combat. I'm going to get that series if it kills me! :)
I did off day stretch from A2 tonight in an attempt to ward off any on coming doms tmrw. I will keep you ladies posted on how that works out! :p

Katie...quickly wanted to mention that trainer I am interning with is in your neck o the woods right now. Apparently there is a gym in Kentucky that he is visiting. Maybe you can book him for a pt session before he leaves! ;) lol

Ok time for bed..more personal tmrw! :)
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Good Morning.

I am going to be tired today. I went to bed too late (10pm) and got woken up too early (3am). I laid in bed until 4 TRYING to fall back to sleep but it just never happened. Booh. :(

The lower body is definitely sore this morning and would probably be worse if not for last night's stretch! I have a confession to make though...I had a bit of a buzz when I went to start the stretch...made it interesting for sure! :p By the time I was done it was gone though and I didn't fall over! Not even once! LOL

Wiggie:: Great job on your work out! A2 rocks! Asylum in general rocks but I gotta say that the agility ladder has me all confused...or maybe I should say MORE confused when it comes to the agility training portions of the work outs. I am having a hard enough time coordinating the movement patterns at all let alone coordinating them with the ladder too!! :eek::confused::( I've always enjoyed the Slim Series. I used it for several weeks after the full rotation of P90X that I did years ago and it really helped to put the "finishing touches" on my new physique! ;):) I didn't intern y'day-that was Monday and I am interning again tmrw most likely (thurs). If I do, I was told to come prepared to work out :eek: which means I will be sleeping in tmrw morning and probably in traction on Friday! LOL :p

Katie:: Yup, excited for the new Cathes!:D I have resigned myself to pre-ordering pretty much everything and then if it's not for me I figure I can just sell it later. :p Speaking of selling...I have picked another round of dusty dvds to unload on Ebay. I need to work on listing them soon! Man do I hear myself in you when you talk abt the FBI PT test. I want to tell you to stop doubting yourself cause you can do it but yet I have been doubting myself from day 1 regarding becoming a personal trainer so I feel like a hypocrite! :rolleyes: I do believe you can do it though! Just so you know! ;) So anyway, back to what I was "saying" last night - the gym that I am interning at is a Powerhouse Gym and I guess it's the one in Louisville, KY that the guy I am intering with is visiting. He works for the personal training company that is quickly becoming the standard in-house training company for PH gyms across the country. He is the PT manager at the gym that I am interning at and then he helps to get the training set up in other locations. So anyway, if you happen to be in Louisville and pass the PH gym today, stop in and say hi! LOL :p

Ok, time is flyin...gotta suck down one more cup of java and then go pick my poison for the day!

Good morning!!!

Have I mentioned lately how much I love coffee? I'm sipping on my first coffee right, and it just makes me happy. Ahhhh coffee.

Oh yeah, my workout, I almost forgot that part. LOL! This morning I did disc 32 (plyo legs) + sit ups. For the FBI PT test I have to do at LEAST 35 situps in one minute. That's the minimum to get "one point". I would like to get at least 3 points, which means I need to do 41-42 situps in one minute. Right now i'm around 29 situps/minute. I struggle with speed, but I think if I just keep working at it and keep working at it i'll get stronger and build up speed.

Wendy: Thank you for your pep talk re: the FBI PT test. It really helped give me confidence. I've got plenty of time before I have to do the test "for real" so I hopefully I can get my act together before then. I don't know if i'll actually make the cut, not just because of the PT test, but I want to at least try. If I don't make it, nothing lost. If I do make it, so much gained. :D I LOLed at your traction comment and buzz-lightening stretch. :p;) Luckily I wasn't drinking coffee when I read them. ;) Yes, Louisville is very close to where I live. Well, it's about 45-55 minute drive, but I consider that close. Unfortunately I work in Lexington, which is the opposite direction of Louisville. But when I get home tonight i'll give a hardy wave to your PT boss. :)

Wiggie: Hey there little lady!! Whatya go planned for today?
Good morning!!;)

Tuesday's workout was Athletic Training, I do Afterburn so much that I forget about the rest of the set!!:p I will definitely be preordering this time & on the first day, I like the sound of all the workouts.

Wendy: I am so sorry you didn't rest well last night, makes for a rough day. :( Lower body doms, my favorite!!:D I know I don't always do the agility ladder moves correctly, but I'm getting better. Still no luck on ebay, it costs 58.99, on BB site it costs 59.99 so no bargain there.:confused: Lol, re your confession.:D

Katie: I think triceps are my weakest muscle also :eek:, though I have made some strength gains over the last couple of years. One more week of STS!!
Hello again!!:p

Just wanted to find out if you heard about Shaun T's new program called Focus T25. Below is a quote from Shaun T.

"So I made it my mission to create a workout program that would get
your body looking like you'd spent hours at the gym…in only 25 minutes
a day—less time than you'd spend driving to and from the gym!
FOCUS T25 is that workout."

Maybe after I complete Cathe's new workouts, this one will be available.
Good Morning.

Today will either be a rest day or a p.m. work out day depending on if I am interning tonight or not.

So I did TF y'day so I would be okay to do a weight work out tonight but legs are still sore from Power Legs and now my upper body is sore from TF because I wore weighted gloves for maybe TEN minutes during the work out! (that's all I could handle!:eek:) I guess if I go tonight I'll just have to suggest we work the least sore parts. LOL

Wiggie:: I didn't know about Shaun's new program and TYVM for telling me! You just cost me more $$$$! :p I googled it right away and signed up for the email alert!

Katie:: So you stink at committing to ab work but yet you want defined here is your reason to COMMIT and GET THEM! The FBI PT TEST!!!! Everything happens for a reason! ;):D

Has to be a quickie...time for me to hop in the shower already! I'll be back at lunch today hopefully!

Good morning Ladies!! :cool:

I went to church for Bible study so no workout for me last night. I think I'll make Wednesday's my rest day. As you know rest days are new for me, even though I know they are important. I can thank you Ladies for teaching me that. :)

Wendy: I knew you would appreciate me telling you that!! :D I signed up for the email alert too!! I use weighted gloves sometimes for TF, depending on what I"ve done upper body wise that week. So I have had to take them off too!! :)

Have a wonderful day!!
Wiggie:: Rest days can definitely be hard to take at times. I am getting better at taking them then I used to be but sometimes I still have to force myself/fight the voice inside of me telling me to work out! :eek: Do you own Cathe's Cardio Kicks? I did that one with weighted gloves twice-couldn't finish the first time with the 1# pair so the second time I cut the weight in half to .5# per glove and was able to survive. Me thinks I will have to do the same with TF if I want to wear the gloves!
Good Morning.:)

Had to cancel last night's intern appointment b/c the trainer got stuck in flight delays. Booh. We will reschedule for early this week though hopefully.

I decided to work out at home instead so after dinner I did the following::
Turbo Fire Lower Body 20, Upper Body 20, Core 20 and Stretch 10. Not the same calibur as what I would have done at the gym if I had gone but great work out anyway!:D

I still have to do A1's Upper Elite...maybe tmrw....

This morning's plan is A1's Vertical Plyo. :eek:

So y'day afternoon the mgr at my job who I had my 2nd interview with (the one who ultimately hired me) called me into his office. OMG I was petrified! LOL Anyway, they let someone go on Friday (she called out like 10 times and was late to work or left early like 6 times...all in the span of one month's time! :eek: I was telling DH this and he thinks that she wanted to get fired....if she did it certainly worked! LOL) But anyway, I he calls me in and tells me this and explains that they are trying to decide how to fill the position so he was asking me about my background and if some of her job responsibilites would be something I'd be interested in doing! Bottom line is that I could end up working for accounting in addition to what I do now OR he mentioned it could also mean moving over there f/t if I wanted instead of staying in the file clerk position! He said he has to talk to the girl who is in charge of that dept, etc and he will keep me posted on what they decide. I'm excited! I think I would like that kind of work! Fingers crossed!:D

BBL! :cool:
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