Hi, does anyone know how to attach the STS banner to the bottom of my posts? It's the one that says something like I am currently doing the 3.5 month rotation and I am on Disc X.
Hi Wendy. I see from your ticker that you have started DTD again. I saw your posts a few months ago with your problems with STS; how is it working for you this time? (I am hoping to start it soon myself)
Hi Wendy. I see from your ticker that you have started DTD again. I saw your posts a few months ago with your problems with STS; how is it working for you this time? (I am hoping to start it soon myself)
Hi Laura. OMG it's working out soooo much better this time!!! I changed a few things and couldn't be happier!
1) I've lightened my weights.I think I messed up when I did the 1RM's and was lifting weights that were just too darned heavy for me! Going lighter has made a big difference I think. I am definitely still challenged but not killing myself like I was the first time around.
2) I've added more cardio to the progam by doing weights AND cardio (20 to 30 mins of cardio on average) on the weekends so I am doing cardio 5 days per week instead of 3.
The problems I had the first time around are GONE! I am thrilled!