

Hi everyone

I know I have asked this question on the VF forum too but I am having so much trouble still I thought I'd see if Cathe had any ideas.

I need serious help with stretching. I have several books and videos but I find them really frustrating because I have NO natural flexibility at all. I read that if you lie on the floor and raise your leg, you should be able to get it at a 90 degree angle to the floor without bending your knees to be "normal" flexibility-wise. I can barely get it three inches up, AND it is bent. I find the stretching videos (even beginner ones) so hard because I can;t picture what I am supposed to look like since I am so far from being able to do what they do. But I know I need to stretch more. I have not had any injuries, but I do feel stiff almost all the time because I sit all day at work.

I have made huge gains in strength (thanks Cathe!) and cardio capacity and feel I am generally pretty fit except for this. I am really feeling stressed over this as I know I should do it but I don't know how to improve my flexibility and how to set realistic goals for it, knowing I will never look like they do in the videos. Is this something a trainer could help me with? I might have free access to one once school starts again. Are there any videos that I could try? I have some living arts and yogazone, the yogazone is too long. I am really desperate; what I am doing on my own just isn't working.


Karen Voight's Stretch

This is quite an old video, but you might find it a good starting point. For one thing, it's only 35mins long. Also, it is very easy - more like the average stretch sections you get at the ends of aerobic videos than like a yoga tape. Karen's cuing is pretty good, though the clothes (as so often) are a bit sad

That's my two cents.

To achieve better flexibility you need to work at it with the same focus that you do for improving strength and cardio. The best time to do this is right after your cardio workouts when your tissue temperature is very warm and more pliable. Since you say that you have a very limited range of motion, the best thing to do is ease into your stretch program. Start with very basic stretches and do the modified version of them until you your range of motion improves. Try getting into the deepest level of the stretch that YOU possibly can(without losing your alignment to accomodate going deeper) and hold each stretch for 15 seconds. Eventually work your way to holding each stretch longer and longer. You'll notice that your muscles will become very sore after a challenging stretch workout. That will eventually lessen in time.

To set up your stretch program, I highly advise you to seek out this personal trainer(be sure they are qualified). They will determine your range of motion and then prescribe a stretch program that will be most suitable for your needs and limitations. Good Luck!

I've had the same problem of being stiff and inflexible. I also have had low back pain and knee pain. Recently I worked with a personal trainer and he believed I had the pain because my muscles were too tight. So he recommended more stretching. Well, it is helping. Although it's hard to fit it in. The best time to do stretching is right after a workout.

A good and short video is Kathy Ireland's "Reach." I didn't expect too much at first, but this is a really good tape to tag on at the end of the workout. The tape is actually broken up into different pieces, but the stretch part is only 13-14 minutes. I've been tagging this stretch part onto the end of my workouts (I use the Firm and Cathe a lot) and skipping the stretch on the tape I just worked out too(to save time). It really seems to be helping. Most stretches at the end of workout videos are to short for me. I need a little extra stretching and this seems to be perfect. It's very basic and simple stretching, but alreading my knees and back are improving! And I am becoming more flexible. She also works the upper back and arms.

Callanectics is also good for making you more flexible. Although, I highly recommended the Ireland tape (just the stretch portion) to tag on to your workouts. It will give you a little more stretching after your workouts and won't take up a lot of time. It can gradually help you become more flexible by doing a little extra stretching everyday.

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