STressing about pre-sale order


Dear Cathe,

Congrats on the completed project! Here is my do I check to be certain that my pre-sale order was completed? I know this sounds silly, but I think I remember pre-ordering in about August or so and receiving an email and all, but I can not be certain that I did not dream it LOL. Last year was a blur (went back to school, got my teaching certificate, got a job teaching high school science, sent a kid off to college blablabla:)). Now I am worried I did something to mess up my order and won't be getting my long awaited reward of the STS videos.What to do what to do??I have been a Catheite since the First StepnMotion video you made with your sister and Cedie. I am afraid that between the 2 forums and the lag in time that I was not online (due to the above mentioned) and my username change (because I couldn't remember the old one) that I may have messed something up.

Please advise
Anxiously waiting
fitn40 (aka momincharge)
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I'm sure Cathe will be busy for a while. I didn't save my email conf. I had to check my credit card statements to find when I had ordered. The tracker won't work until it is actually sent. Hope this helps.

Thanks...probably the best if I could just remember if I paid with credit card, debit or electronic check
At this point the best thing is to just wait a few days and just check the online tracker at night or the next morning. We wont even find out what is getting shipping today until after 9pm tonight and it will take them a few days to get through the preorders - so if you dont get any kind of update by Friday - THEN I would start being concerned. :)

I know it is hard to wait for sure - but SNM does a great job of getting things out....
I actually went through the same feeling a few weeks ago. I just emailed the STS people and gave them all of my info. They were excellent in responding quickly, and told me that they had my order in front of them and that I had ordered everything. If I were you, I would just email them and give them your email address, phone number, and address. They should be able to check quickly, if they are not too busy. Good luck, I'm sure you ordered it.

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