Stress and working out



I was wondering what this crowd has to say about stress and working out.

Recently I have been under a lot of stress with family and work. Stuff you just can't seem to find a solution too. Arguments that go around in circles with no solving. Well I seem to be gaining a least 1 to 2 pounds a week. I came down with a horrible cold that lasted 2 weeks, probably due to stress, and after this nothing but weight gain. I love to workout and use all of Cathe's videos as well as cross training with treadmill and recumberant bike workouts. I stepped up my workouts by adding an extra bike routine at the end of my day, ( I usually exercise in the morning).

I was wondering if all the stress contributes to weight gain. Is my body hanging on to calories? Of course this is adding to my stress because I want a strong healthy body and it feels like its turning to mush!

Sorry about the whining but was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to spice up a workout for stress relieve. I do have a couple of yoga and pilates workouts but I don't seem to like them too much. Do you thinking adding those at the end of the day would be better for stress management? Keeping my favourite Cathe routines for the morning?

Thanks in advance for anyone's suggestions.
Cybersis :-(
Hi, Cybersis!

Yoga type work outs are wonderful for stress reduction because they slow you down and relax you. Cardio is great too because it kicks up some of the physiological reactions you get when stressed As you exercise your body strives to adapt to those changes and as it does, it becomes more fit and in a way more capable of dealing with stress. Your brain also releases endorphins which are like Nature's nerve pills, calming you and making you feel content. The thing I find interesting about stress is that stress is stress; it's neither good nor bad really. It's how you deal with it that counts. Let it get the upper hand, you get illness. Take charge and learn how to deal with it and you can breeze right on through it!

I have also found that breathing exercises of the type where you focus on breathing in and out slowly and not letting your mind race off here and there, constantly bringing your attention back to the breath when it inevitably does take off are also great. And periodically during the day I make sure I am focusing on what I am doing in that moment, not off thinking about the argument I had with my spouse the day before or worrying about my income taxes or some other thing that makes me crazy!

I have always been high strung but through practice I am much calmer and less-stressed out although by no means one of those serene people who never seem to get wigged out. I am striving for balance and it works when I keep trying!

Good luck!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
Hi Cybersis,
For me, kickboxing or a really intense cardio workout is a stress reliever. I don't really understand the "science" of it, but no matter what I am stressing over, a really intense kickboxing or step workout leaves me feeling relaxed and more balanced when done.
Yoga actually doesn't work for me as a stress reducer~I'm an "over thinker" so all the "down time/deep breathing/concentrated slow breaths" when you're suppose to be clearing your mind, I'm actually thinking about all the "stuff" going on and I can't relax, too much time for me to think during yoga! (but that's just me!)
Hope you find what works for you, and hey, maybe just talking about it will help, we're always here :)
Hi Cybersis,
Not sure I can be much help here, but just thought I would let you know that I can totally relate to what you are going through!! I, too, have been trying to deal with stressful situations in my life of late, and like you, I have gained 4lbs over the last 2 weeks. This is despite working out 5-6 days per week and following a 1500 cals a day diet! I started at 206lbs and am now 210, so as you can imagine, I am feeling very frustrated!
I heartily agree with what Bobbi says about stress - we all have stress in our lives - it really is about how we deal with it. When we deal with stressful situations in a negative way, I personally believe that our bodies go into some kind of "survival" mode. It thinks that it ought to hang onto those fat stores, as the body is producing those primeaval "flight or fight" hormones in response to the stress.
Like Donna, I find Kickboxing a real stress-buster as I can imagine I am kicking the poo out of something (especially good when feeling PMTish!). I also find the deep-breathing advice Bobbi gave really good, as I too tend to over-worry about things. There's something to be said for taking a few minutes out each day to breathe properly and calm the mind.
So, my long-winded answer to your question is, yes; IMO stress does inhibit the bodies ability to lose weight, and sometimes, may even result in a weight-gain. Perhaps if we can both learn how to manage our stress levels in a more positive way, we will see the results we want?
Sorry I can't offer much more advice - I too am struggling right along with you - and we WILL get there in the end! And you know the best thing? We have this great Forum to turn to for support, friendship and the very best advice!
All the best!
Hi Cybersis!

I recently read in a magazine (think it was Self) that stress can indeed lead to weight gain because it increases cortisol levels in your body. If stress also affects your sleep, this can be another factor leading to weight gain.

For me, working out (cardio, weight training and yoga)is extremely beneficial in reducing stress. However, I find I get counterproductive results if I overdo it. I would really encourage you to alternate your evening cycling session with yoga at night. Have you tried Crunch Fat Burning Yoga? I hate the title, but this tape always gives me a gentle, uplifting workout.

Good luck! :)

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