strep b

Michele S

Hi all!

I know this is a little off topic, but I'm in my 28th week of my second pregnancy and found out today that I tested positive for Strep B. I was given antibiotics about two weeks ago for a UTI and my midwife told me today that strep B was the culprit.

Since I didn't go through this with my first birth, I'm wondering if anyone could offer any insight into this. I'm trying not to worry, but I think when you're pregnant everything makes you worry!!! My midwife already told me that I'll have to do an antibiotic IV when I go into labor...yuck...but I couldn't think quick enough to ask her any questions about the affects on the baby, etc.

Thanks in advance!
Hi Michele,

I also tested positive for Strep B, and it was fine. The only thing they did was give me penicillin. They like to give you two doses of antibiotics before you have the baby, so just make sure you start early enough. I got to the hospital in just enough time to get two doses in. I was a little concerned, too, but it worked out fine. They wanted us to stay in the hospital an extra day just to keep an eye on the baby, but I didn't mind at all having them fix my meals for me and take care of me for an extra day. Good luck!

Hi Michele! I, too, tested positive for strep b. The doctors didn't seem alarmed at testing positive for this at all. They said that it is not uncommon and all I had to do was take a dose of antibiotic at the time of testing positive and then again at the time of labor. They fed the antibiotic into my IV during labor. Everything turned out to be just fine and my baby was healthy.
Hi Michele,
I too tested positive with my son and I did have the iv put on as soon as I went into labor,it really was not too bad considering you are already uncomfortable with labor pains.
That was 4 years ago my son was born with no problems at all I actually went home 2 days after so don't worry.
From what I understand it is a bacteria most women have it's not harmful to you but it can be harmful to the baby when it passes though the birth canal,but with modern technology they have that covered by the IV so that baby wiil be O.K
thanks, everyone!

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for putting my mind at ease!

Thanks, Cathe, too, since I know you're busy this weekend sending out my DVDs!!!

I tested positive for strep b and delivered with a midwife, and can tell you not to worry. If you end up in a hospital with an IV, they just add the antibiotics to that IV. If you are home or in a birth center, or don't get an IV for any other reason, they are likely to put the IV connection (sorry- I don't know the actual name for it) into your arm (or hand) and give the antibiotic to you in seperate doses. I had three doses, but I tend to have my water break early and wait a long time to go into labor.

One work of advice- if you can have a nurse insert the device, try her over a midwife- nurses get more practice "sticking" people, and are usually better at it. Learned the hard way.

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