Strengthening Lower Back Muscles ?



Hello there-
I have a question in regard to strengthening lower back muscles.. I have been doing dead lifts (w/ a light barbell) faithfully throughout my pregnancy. Does have stronger lower back muscles do anything as far as helping to minimize Back Labor should you be unfortunate enough to have it?
I know the training is doing good things for me as far easing backaches from extra weight I'm carrying, but was curious to know about if it would do anything for Back Labor.

Thanks in advance for your help!
7 more weeks and counting!
In my childbirth class, our instructor told us that you experience back labor when your baby is born "sunny side up", meaning the the baby is born face up, and the hardest part the baby's head the back of it's skull is pushing on your backbone. Most babies are born face down, then turn slightly once the head is out.

Unfortunately for my instructor all three of her children were "sunny side up", and she says the best thing to do for this during labor is to position yourself on all fours, this drops the pressure of the baby's head off of your backbone.

Hope this helps. Have you started your childbirth classes yet? Last week we took a tour of the maternity ward. It was both beautiful and amazing!

Linda (also at 7 weeks to go and counting :))
Hi Linda-
Yes, I started classes this week too! It definitely makes everything seem alot more real doesn't it!!
This is my first, how about you?
It does definitely make things seem more real! Except in my class I find the all the other mothers have these huge bellies where everyone keeps telling me how small I am for being 33 weeks. Sometimes I feel a bit out of place because they all look like they are ready to give birth tommorow!

This is my first too. I think I am scared as much as I am excited !

I always looked small.

My term daughter is 5 lbs 1 oz (birth wt). Just remember - there is a wide range of normal!

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