Strengthening back and neck


Hi Cathe and anyone else with advice for me,
I'm looking to strengthen my back, all the way from my neck down to my lower back, to help with posture and relieve some back pain. I guess I just haven't found the right exercise moves to start doing this without getting incredibly sore. I know soreness is all a part of it, and maybe i'm just pushing too hard. Or maybe I'm just not doing the right type of moves. Can anybody recommend some good strengthening moves for me? I have some handweights(3,5,8, & 10s), stability ball, high step, and the club step. Please help!
Thanks in advance
Not Cathe obviously - but I have a chronic back problem and what has helped me the most is doing Pilates. When I am feeling strong in my core I can do any Cathe video I want with no problem. But, when my back flares up due to whatever, I always go back to my Pilates DVDs and do those for a week or so. This gets my back in shape again. It may help to develop not just strength in your core but also flexibility in your core and in your hamstrings. I like Mari Winsor videos for this and her videos have helped my back enormously. She even has a "back workout." Try not to push too hard, your back is one thing that does not like to be pushed :)

My disclaimer - this is only my personal experience. I am not trained in any form of health care. You must see an M.D. to get professional help when your back hurts.

~ Ann ~
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