strapping band or weights


Has anyone the beginner step fusion DVD. I am a beginner, I just bought it. I have not opened it, is it worth keeping? Do I need a strap band, or can I substitute weights? Where can I buy a strap band?



I am a newbie and I would love to know this also! I am slowly getting addicated to Cathe and her DVD/VHSs!!! Good luck to you and keep at it!!!
Hi. I think this DVD is definitely worth keeping for a beginner. The Basic Step workout is a nice introduction to Cathe, and the Body Fusion workout is a solid beginner/intermediate routine.

I don't think Cathe uses bands in this one, but if she does, you can substitute light, medium or heavy weights. Bands or weights can be bought at Target/TJMaxx/Walmart/Sports Authority...

Here's a link to my review on

Good luck!
Do I need resistanc band for body fusion? And do I need a barbell? What size of stability ball? Sorry for all the quesiton but I need some advice before I buy things I do not need.

Paola~I have used weights for BOTH sets when Cathe uses the band for one set and weights for the other. I have also used the band for BOTH sets and it works fine too. Here are the details for the Body Fusion workout. Let me know if you have more questions:

Body Fusion: It is approximately a 50 minute workout which is formatted as

Warm up
Step combo #1
Weight segment #1
Step Combo #2
Weight Segment #2
Step Combo #3
Weight Segment #3

After the warm up you will go into your first step aerobic segment which features
moves from videos past taught with a longer breakdown and more repetition than
the other two upcoming step combos since you are just freshly out of the warm
up. This segment is about 10 minutes long.
Now your first weight segment will do squats with overhead presses and lunges
with side and front lateral raises for approximately 5 minutes (light breaks in
Step combo two is a little more complex than one but still on the level of
intermediate. It again is about 10 minutes long and features moves from other
Weight segment two features lunges off the back of the step and then later bicep
curls standing on the floor. The biceps curls end with a little balance option of
doing them while standing on one leg.
Step Combo #3, totaling about 8 minutes, is the same level of complexity as two
but has more intensity added.
Weight segment three includes deadrows and deadlifts and then moves onto dips
and push ups before completing with a stretch. To View Pictures from Body
Fusion Click on the following link: Click Here

Upper Body Sculpt:20 Minute Upper Body Conditioning: This workout will
tone all of the major muscles in the Upper Body: Back, Chest, Shoulders,
Triceps, Biceps. A stability ball, light hand weights and a tubing strap will
be used in this workout. Heavier weight can be substituted if preferred.

Lower Body Sculpt:20 Minute Lower Body Conditioning: This workout will
tone all of the major muscles in the Lower Body: Quadriceps, Hamstrings,
Glutes, Buttocks, Outer and Inner thigh, and Calves. A stability ball, light
hand weights and a tubing strap will be used in this workout. Heavier
weight can be substituted if preferred.

Abs:10 minute Core Conditioning: This core workout features a stability
ball as well as intermediate level abdominal and core exercises.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
there are so many bands which one do you recommend? I am 5 3. Do you know if the ones they sell at Target work?


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