Straight Legged Pushups!


Okay, so my biggest challenge has always been upper body strength, and I have never been able to do straight legged (boys :)) pushups. I have extremely strong legs but my upper body reflects that of one with chicken wings or maybe more like a stick person. Anyway, from time to time I try to do one, but just can't or could only go down a couple of inches! So as of recently I haven't tried doing them again since probably November. Well, I just wanted to share that Saturday, while doing Boot Camp, I thought, okay time to buck up and give it a go and I DID THEM! Yes, I did ALL OF THEM STRAIGHT LEGGED! And not flimsy mind you, but all the way down to right above the floor! I wanted to share this as I know there are others of you out there that have my same problem - so don't give up! In fact, I can't wait to do it again!

Oh, and I attribute this to doing the Intensity Series, and prior to that (since November) PS.
That is awesome!! Great job! They have always been my biggest challenge as well. I hope to one day conquer them like you did.
Hoorah for you(and one for me too!)!!! Cause after sooo many long hards months of work...I can finally do them. I never even tried...but I can just about manage the ones on Cardio and Weights. Not perfect, mind you, but at least I do not fall directly on my face! Have a great day....Donna.
Good Job!! I too was having a hard time doing regular style pushups until recently. Last week when I was doing Muscle End. my hubby walked in when I finished the pushup work and I was clapping to myself and smiling away. I told him why I was so excited and he smiled and congratulated me. Isn't it a great feeling ?!! I've also kept up with her in all the other tapes lately as well. Yipee!!Keep up the great work - Susan

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