Still in can't believe....


Cathlete much some folks will eat just because its there!

I'm watching '10 Best Places to Pig Out' (or something like that) on the Travel Channel. I'm thinking they are talking about places with delicious food, well no, they are talking about places with huge serving sizes:

a 72 oz steak, with large baked potato, salad and roll...get it all down in 60 minutes or less and its free...

some sort of super sundae that has 20 scoops of B&J ice cream, 12 brownie squares, whip cream, 4 bananas and so on... this is 1 sundae!

a 12 egg omlette that is stuffed with hashbrowns, served on a pizza platter and weights 8 lbs!

speaking of pizza, how about an 11 lb pizza? But this place does allow you to share it with one person...

a 3 lb cheese burger (six 1/2 lb burgers each with a slice of cheese on a bun) served with 5 lbs of french fries...the guy stuffs all this down then the owner comes out and says that if he can get another 1/2 lb burger down with a loaded plate of fries, he will name a burger after him...

As I'm watching these people stuff themselves, I can help but think, 'Are they crazy or am I?'. I guess it is great to live in a country that is wealthy enough to have that kind of gluttony, but isn't it just wrong that there are people starving everyday in that same country? Maybe I'm just not seeing the 'fun' in this...maybe I"m just being a wet blanket but...

five plate size pancakes...
No, Deedee, YOU are not the crazy one!

I assume these are all in the US? I don't think any other country is as gluttonous, or as wasteful, as we are.

No "all you can eat fruit bowls" or "biggest salad in the US" places? LOL! (So not only are people eating ginormous quantities of these 'foods,' they're eating at least a day's worth of calories at one shot--and probably several days' worth of fat and sat fat).
It's ridiculous what people will do to their health for something free.

Gluttony is a problem here in the USA, and yet, it's true there are people very hungry and don't even get but maybe one meal a day if they are lucky.



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
>No, Deedee, YOU are not the crazy one!
>I assume these are all in the US? I don't think any other
>country is as gluttonous, or as wasteful, as we are.
>No "all you can eat fruit bowls" or "biggest salad in the US"
>places? LOL! (So not only are people eating ginormous
>quantities of these 'foods,' they're eating at least a day's
>worth of calories at one shot--and probably several days'
>worth of fat and sat fat).

Yup, all of these places were in the U.S.

I think you have a great idea...all you can eat fruit bowls! But no we pay $5/lb for cherries, yet that crazy burger w/ 5lbs of fries was something $7!x(

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