Still happy w/ P90X?


I have been holding off buying this since I ordered the Hardcore series. I was wondering for those of you that have the P90X series if you are still happy with the purchase? Would you buy it again now that you know what it is about? My credit card is aching to be used but I want to be sure! LOL!
Yup! :7 I really like this series! You get 30 days to try and preview it so I say GO FOR IT!

Just make sure that when you order, you have all the equipment necessary to do it. There is nothing worse than having a workout but not being able to do it b/c you have to wait to received later ordered equipment!
You either need a pull up bar or resistance bands (for pull ups), dumbbells, yoga mat and yoga block (if needed). I guess the pull up car or resistance bands is the biggie.
I received P90X last June and completed the 90 day classic rotation exactly as is (no substitutions) in September. I LOVE these workouts! In fact, I haven't been able to give them up to this day. I loved increasing my pushup and pullup ability, being able to increase my weights every week or two, increasing my core stength (and hip flexor strength!) with abripperX. The leg workout wasn't as heavy duty as Cathy's, but I loved not having to use weights for most exercises.

After my rotation ended, I continued to use Chest & Back, Ab RipperX, and Legs & Back mixed in with Cathe cardio and weight workouts. I modified Legs & Back into an awesome purely legs workout by substituting heavy weighted squats, walking lunges, and either heavy weighted deadlifts or hamstring rollins on the ball for the 8 sets of pullups. I never fail to get doms from this workout. I also love the functional exercises, the balance challenges, and the way almost all of the leg muscles are worked so well. I have ocasionally thrown in a Cathe leg workout, including GS Legs, and none of them challenge me as much or give me doms.

I still can't give up these workouts, but wanted to start doing Cathe's S&H, so I'm now doing a rotation mixing in both.

So, I guess the answer to your question is YES! I would still get these in a second!

All the best!
I did 2 rotations last year, and I think these are great workouts. I would DEFINITELY purchase them again. I still pull out Arms & Shoulders, Ab RipperX abd Back & Biceps. I think the price has gone down so I feel it is a great investment...:)...Carole
Yes! This series is awesome. I think the reason why it comes together so well was because it was designed to work as a rotation for the whole 90 days. Each workout fits the puzzle. It also breaks you in at first and then gives you an option if you want to stay on the Classic Rotation or the Doubles ( which has more cardio )or a Lean Rotation.
A Home Workout Series that's actually advanced and well produced. Plus you can turn off Tony Horton once you're familiar with the workout!
I still think P90X was the best fitness investment I've made for a long time. The only thing lacking for me was glute work, but if I subbed Gym Style legs for Legs and back, it would be perfect!
If I had to do it over again (and if I bought the workouts separately instead of in one, fell swoop) I'd only get the upper body workouts, Core Synergistics and Stretch. (Ab Ripper comes on every workout.)

I didn't like the lower body or the cardio. The lower body workouts didn't give me results like Cathe's lower body stuff does. And P90X cardio is boring to me, Cathe's is lots more fun and challenging.

I think the upper body titles complement Cathe's workouts: a nice variety that is also effective.

Some people dislike Tony's mannerisms, but he always makes me laugh. I enjoy working out with him, but not enough to keep on using those cardio titles or the lower body workout.
Thanks everyone for the replys. I gave my credit card a nice workout yesterday. I ordered P90X and the Omron Body Fat Analyzer that I seen being talked about. I received a shipping confirmation 2 hours after I ordered the Body Fat analyzer. That was fast. I hope to receive one soon for P90X. How long did it take for you to receive yours? :)
Oh no Janice just heard of another new gadget. :p :p :p

The P90X WAS my best investment for the year 2004 and beyond. I only use Chest and Back, Shoulders and Arms, Chest, shoulders, triceps and Back and biceps. Also Yoga and Core syn once in a blue moon. The rest I never do and for just the first four I would spend the money again. GET IT.

Add in Cathe's leg work as everyone mentioned.

Like Briee and Kathryn, P90X was definitely my best fitness purchase for 2004 and beyond. This series will definitely take your fitness level to a higher level! I'm hoping that Tony and BB will produce additional workouts for this series.
I am going to ditto what Kathryn and Briee say on P90X. I would never regret that purchase! Gotta love it!

Oh, Briee...can't justify it! I keep hearing Suze Orman in my head saying, "People first, then money, then things". Since I already got a new BF scale a few months back, I just can't get this. Besides, isn't it more important that I work the fat off than test it? LOL!!
I am with everyone else on this one; P90X is the best system on the market. Now that I have been through a Hardcore mini-rotation, I am ready to head back to P90X. I seemed to have leaned out more on that rotation (classic) then on anything else. It's worth every penny.
Ok, I have some questions about this.... the P90X system is primarily for strength and definition, right? Because I am not interested in losing any more weight, just adding muscle and definition.

Also, there are a LOT of workouts, how does that work? Are you doing different workouts each week? I see the ad says that the trick is to confuse the muscles, so I assume that means you aren't doing the same thing week after week.... the Slim in 6 series really put me off BeachBody products, but if this really works I would be willing to give it a try.

Feedback appreciated!

Hi Marie! If you follow the Classic rotation you'll definitely gain muscle definition. You have to follow the Classic rotation that's provided to you in the black binder. You do 3 weeks of high intensity & then the 4th week is recovery. The next 3 weeks incorporates a different set of DVDs so you'll be using most of them. This is NOTHING at all like Slim in 6. You'll LOVE it as much as I did & others. HTH, Kathy:D
You're absolute right.....but still....I'll give you one week to cave }( }( }( }(


Edited so that Janice knows this was to HER!!!
Ok I've been told to add cardio to P90X if I want to lose weight - i still have quite a bit to go but I also wanted add weight workouts that are really challenging. I cansee one substitution right off the bat - Taebo Get Ripped Advanced 1 or 2 for KenpoX (seems dry for people who like the intensity of old Taebo). I was thinking of adding cardio to the yoga days and the first day (chest and shoulders in classic). Do I need 5 cardio days instead of just 4 to lose weight?

Thanks! :)


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