

When I am doing the step video, it seem hard to follow because I get confuse because she is behind the step and that is where the camera men or pointing so I can't tell sometimes if she is in front or back so it is hard to follow. I would be going one direction and she is going the other. Does anybody have this problem, and what tape would you suggest or does it take time to figure this it out. I know when i go to the gym it is easy to follow. Any suggestion please.
Hi -

I'm answering kinda because no one else has yet, but I'm thinking TIME will be the key! I am learning her step too, and it so fun I can't even believe it. I get extremely confused too, especially when she goes fast, and goes around the step, and when I have my back to the TV!

I don't know what tapes you have, but get some of the easier ones, and practice, and from what I hear, you learn more moves as you work up in her tapes, or at least when you go to a tougher one, it's a little easier to grasp.

I have Wedding Video, and Step Heat is on the way & I am so anxious to try that one. I have done Cardio & Weights 2x now, and it's a "little" better, but still by no means do I have it down! Especially the arms.. i figure I'm focusing on my klutzy feet then I'll think more about adding her arm movements.

I probably am not much help, but I think you hit the nail on the head when you said time & practice :)
This is a suggestion

Start behind the step as Cathe and then us the leg she is Cathe cues the right leg which is your right leg, I follow her exactly and using the leg she uses (when she is on her right I am on my right) so that I am following the same direction as Cathe this helps me learn the tapes.

Its one of the reasons I like her tapes so much otherwise I normally ignore instructions and mirror the instructor therefore I find it easier to do tapes that way.

Just my 2 cents.
Ha Kathy!

Sorry you had to answer your OWN question, did a GREAT job answering it! Practice, practice, practice! Each time you do her tapes they become easier & easier. You will pick up something each time you do them. Like you have found out, they are fun and worth the challenge. I think StepHeat will help also. If you can afford it, MegaStepBlast would be another goodie to learn some of her basic moves. I was just like you when I started, especially when she started all the turns and around the step "stuff"! "Klutzy" was my middle name. Keep in mind that when Cathe is facing us, she is actually using her left foot when she says right. Not sure how she does that? If you notice she wears a rubberband on her left wrist to remind her that for the video, it is her RIGHT side! Have FUN and keep us posted when you accomplish a tape!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks everyone, I will keep trying, I think it is easier at the gym because the instructor is facing the same way an everyone else, that is why when i did the all step tape that came with the step, it was really confusing.
I'm so used to the mirror teaching used on videos, I think maybe the way instructors do it in class might confuse me.

You could practice this by standing in front of a mirror and getting used to how you look to yourself when you are going left and right and in front of and behind the step.
I try to follow with the same side as she's on.. If she is up on the step on MY right, (her left, right)? , then I am on the RIGHT side of the step.

PS - I hear All Step is a very complicated workout, i got it too, previewed it, and it's in hiding for a long time!!! I will not even think of attempting that one til I get way better.

I'm going to get a couple more of the easier ones, since I'm having so much fun
>What step tapes would you suggest that are easier then the
>all step?

Her Wedding Video and Mega Step Blast are the two that I started with. I was a total klutz but have slowly worked my way up and have almost mastered Rhythmic Step (probably one of the hardest ones).

Once you get the basic steps she uses, it becomes easier and easier to pick up new stuff!

Good luck!

I just wanted to say Thank YOU to everyone on this board, I really appricated for taking the time to discuss this with me. Im glad that I found this website. I just startied Weight Watchers once again because I gain the 11 lbs that I lost a few years ago, but since my father passed away a year ago, I went into a depression and on paxil, which I think didn't help because now that Im almost off of it i noticed that the weight is coming off too! But I also want to change my body image too! So I will be buying a few of Cathe's DVD!! Thanks Again Barbara

P.S. I forgot to ask, how come none these step program come in DVD?
As an instructor, the following has helped my class participants immensely:

Listen closely to the music as it plays in blocks of 8 count beats. There are four sets of 8 count beats in a musical phrase that come around to make a 32 count combination (pattern of choreography). Cathe follows this music phrasing to the letter, even when she is doing moves like a triple step (cha-cha) which is a 3 count move using 2 beats. She will break down her combos on the 8 counts so we can learn the moves, then squeezes out the extra repetitions to make the "finished product" combination totaling 32 counts.

When you get confused, count out the beats as you step and notice your foot placement. This will help when you do moves that face the back wall. I will often count out new moves to my students to help them understand when they will step, when they will lift their knee, when they will straddle the bench, etc. Counting in your head while you are doing videos really does help learn and reinforce the moves. Cathe even counts in some of her videos where she is teaching us moves we haven't done in previous tapes and it really is a lifesaver during confusing choreography.

What usually happens is that people tend to rush their steps and don't finish the previous move before beginning another. Counting helps you finish the current move and transition to the next.

I learned to step with the remote control in my hand, thumb poised on the rewind button! And I never really "got" step until I found Cathe's tapes due to her impeccable cuing. As you stated, practice really does make perfect.

Try it and see if it helps!

Wow, Roe, that was so helpful! Almost as good as if you came to my house and counted for me! LOL!

I would like to add that although I eventually am able to do each step tape it does take time. I remember when I was first learning I was so frustrated, but after a while I relaxed and realized, so what if I don't do it right - this is cardio! As long as I'm moving and my heart rate is up everything's great! Well, that was just what I needed, I loosened up and didn't worry about being perfect - and guess what - it got easier. Now I mostly get all of the choreography.
I started with Step Heat, moved on to Step Jam and Step Max and MIC.
And yes, Step Heat,Step Jam and Step Max are in one dvd - it's called The Classics Volume I. It's a great dvd and I highly recommend it!

Keep it up, if I can do step anyone can!!!!
Hi pace1987,
I understand your predicament but in the opposite way. I started recently with step tapes and absolutely fell in love with them. At first I was thinking, "gosh, this would be A LOT easier if the video instructor had their back to me so I could see exactly what I had to do". But after a few viewings I got very used to it and find it very easy to mirror them. (Just like someone mentioned it's like looking in a mirror). But...I just joined a gym recently and took a step class and my brain didn't know what to do!! It was so odd to see the instructor's back. And I got turned around several times and found myself on the wrong foot several times especially when we were turned to the side and had to see the instructor in the mirror! :+ That's when I thought, gee, it's easier to workout with a tape! :7
So really, it's all what you're used to doing. But stick with it. Even with the tapes there are times when first doing it that I pushed the rewind button to figure out a move. And when she starts moving in front of the board, watch it a few times first while just stepping up and down on the board and join in when you're ready. (Being a perfectionist, I have to remind myself that it's ok that I don't get it the first time (or the second), this isn't a competition, you're supposed to be having fun and getting in shape so who cares) This "pep talk" has let me relax and just enjoy the workout.

So have fun with it and take your time. Don't let yourself get too frustrated. Think of it as a challenge that actually helps keep it all interesting. (Along with the feeling of accomplishment when you finally do "get it".)

Just my 0.02,
Ok, I just wanted everyone to know I just place an order for Classic Volume 1, and the intensity series VOl 1 because on that one I wanted the Cardio & Weights, and figure after I get good with the step, I can try the Imax 2. Thanks again Barbara

This is SO true! It's all about moving and having fun. Heck, if someone wants to turn cartwheels in my class I'm all for it, as long it's done safely and no one gets hurt! :7

Relaxing, staying light on the feet, and really using your available space are all key factors. When you "open up" a move, letting your body flow and using your space, you will be surprised at how much easier it feels than if you take short, rigid "soldier" steps. Flex those knees, loosen the hips, and enjoy!

Glad I was able to help!

Roe - that sounds hard!!! yikes!! i may have to print this out & take it downstairs with me :)

also - is step jam easy? i read it's a harder one in my little Cathe booklet - it say innovative choreo. maybe that doesn't necessarily mean hard?

I have the opportunity to get it used from someone I'm already getting Mega Step from, and i wonder if I should get it?

So far all i have is WEdding, but Step heat is on the way, and I'm getting Mega & Step Max. Just wondering how hard Jam is? Maybe I should go ahead & get it from this person now??

Step Jam is more intricate than Mega Step Blast and Step Heat. Although Cathe fans will recommend her earlier videos as easier to follow, they should realize that when Mega Step Blast was made back in 1994, it was considered an advanced step tape at that time. Folks who have been stepping with Cathe since Mega Step Blast look back and find that video to be easy in today's times, but for someone new to stepping it can be quite daunting!

I recommend going in order: Mega Step Blast, Step Max, Step Heat, Step Jam. Each video either uses or builds on moves from the previous video, so you will have some feedback to guide you along.

My best advice is to tackle each video one at a time and become comfortable with it before moving on to the next. You might even consider doing each section of a video individually a few times as a complete workout, then move on to the next section when you are ready. An entire Cathe tape can feel quite challenging to a new person, but once you get used to her style you'll find yourself catching on very quickly!

Keep us posted on your progress!


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