Step Video


Received my first Step Video today, I was talked into ordering Step Fit, well I am not a step person. I watched the video, and I am hoping I am going to catch on to this!! I know some of you are experts at step, but I have two left feet. I am still looking forward to trying it though.
Step Fit is awesome!

Hi sabrina,

just wanted you to know that step fit is a bit challenging but you will get the moves before you know it. dec '99 was when i was first introduced to cathe's videos and now i own 7 of them and i find that they are all great. acutally, you may find it just as addicting as i did! when i was reading cathe's forum discussion, i noticed that you mentioned you are from penticton, is a small, small world because i am from kelowna, BC. way too cool!

all the best with your new video!

1st step video

Hi Sabrina!

Congrats on your first Cathe video. Step Fit is awesome! Is this your first STEP tape, or your first CATHE step tape? If it's your first step tape ever, you might want to think about getting a more basic video to start off with. Cathe's videos are for advanced steppers: Meaning that she assumes you know the basics of safe stepping already, not that you are advanced cardio-wise. If you've never done step workouts before, Kathy Smith's Step Workout or Kelli Robert's Ultimate Step are good videos for learning the basics of stepping.

If it's your first CATHE video, you might want to consider buying or borrowing ( perhaps from the person who encouraged you to buy Step Fit? ) Step Heat. It's a good one for learning Cathe's style. Step Fit is one of her more complex videos. With her great cuing, though, if neither of those is a possibility, just take it slow. Give yourself time to learn each section. Step Fit is my FAVORITE, and it's well worth the effort to learn!
Have fun!

Hi fitness partner from Kelowna

I think I am going to scream!!, I tried Step fit tonight, I didn't even finish because I felt so awkward!!! I kept on messing up.
Should have listened

I was told to start with step heat, but when I went to order she said it was way too easy and I should order step fit. This is my first Cathe Step Video, I have her PS series, I love weight, hate cardio, but I know I need cardio as well. I feel discouraged though, because step fit was too hard for first time stepper to follow. I am one of these two left feet people!
you will get the hang of it!!!!

hi sabrina!

your first time experience seems quite normal to be very honest. i do agree with the others in that it will be worth while to try out the earlier videos for both the choreography and intensity are easier to follow and keep up with. and like the saying goes....with a bit of practice and a bunch of determination, along with a bit of frustration to begin with (=0) )... YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

all the best,

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