Step Jam *Nice Change* wtg. for new series!!!!!


Hi folks. Thought I would share that today was an all cardio day for me and I did Step Heat and the 3rd section of Step Jam! I forgot how fun Step Jam is! I hadn't done either of those videos in awhile. I think I get stuck on a few and use them over and over and over. The music in Step Jam is a blast and there a ton of fast cardio side and back lunges off the step which are awesome!

Anyway, I know a lot of us are getting bored of some of our current videos waiting on the new ones to arrive.

Might want to pull out some ya' haven't done in awhile:)

Also - what are all of your favorite old Cathe videos? I am not that familiar with them but want to work a new rotation with some of the older stuff!

Any ideas or good rotations you have would be great! I have almost all the Cathe videos except the Wedding Video, Step n Motion and Mega Step blast!

Happy stepping and waiting until the new series comes:))))) :-jumpy

-Pammer If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!
Hi Pammer,
I think those are the only two cathe videos that I don't own.My favorite old one would probably be Step Works.I was thinking the other day...I was looking to do a 60 min cardio tape and I was thinking I can't wait to get my new videos.But there is only one tape that is strictly cardio and that is Imax 2.No wonder she was trying to see if we wanted cardio and weights or just a aerobics workout.Not that I am complaining......
Next time hopefully, she will put out a couple aerobics workouts.A pilates one would be nice to.
Then again whatever I get I will be more then happy with.
Hi Pammer---I recently dusted off my Cathe Cardio Classics and was pleasantly reminded of the high fun factor in Step Jam, Step Max, and Step Heat. If you haven't done them for awhile, you forget that they can get your heart pumping, despite the "easier" choreography (it's all relative, isn't it?). I'm with you---Step Jam is a my favorite. The first section isn't that great and I don't dig that techno country tune, but overall, the rest of the tape more than makes up for it. The beauty of having a DVD is you can replace that section with something from Step Max or Step Heat, if you want.
It's fun to do these tapes to see how much Cathe, Cedie, and Rhonda have changed (especially my heroine Cedie). I really like Cathe's hairstyle in Step Jam!

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