You will love it! I did disc 1 this am & wow!!! That's all I can say! Be prepare for those push ups! This is my 3rd time doing STS & never could finished those push ups on my toes except this am!
Buneknek, wow I didn't realize you had already done STS two times before. Good for you! Here I am telling you how much you'll love it - you already know that!!!
So tell me - did STS/Cathe give you those AMAZING arms in your profile picture?
I've decided to start STS Sunday. I will probably just do M1 & M2. That will bring me to the rest week after M2 one week before my 40th high school reunion.
No I postponed it a week cause the other nurse in my dialysis clinic is on vacation, and I work much longer hours to cover for her. To many 5am days for this chick to workout hard like that.