starting over


Hello everyone. I just thought I would update those who responded to my last posts about herniated discs. I still have some problems going on....I've not opted for surgery yet, but my biggest concern is the weakness I have in my right doctor says I have only half the horsepower in that leg than the other. Anyone have any suggestions?
I can't beleive how quickly I became out of shape. Within a month I felt like I had never worked out in my life (before that I was doing all three PS tapes for a total body workout three days a week with no problem and other Cathe cardio tapes on the other days. I can safely ride my bike
but I get exhausted quickly.
It took so long to get to the physical condition I was in, and so short a time to lose it. Anyone else find that true? Anyway, I'm going to physical therapy but it is really not a workout that does anything for strength or cardio.
NO FAIR!!!!!!!!! Back to square one I guess.
It's amazing how quickly one detrains but...

once your disc problems are resolved, you'll regain all you lost. Have faith! You are obviously capable of the sort of dicipline it takes to get into shape. That will still be there when you are well. Keep trying. Do what you can as you keep long term goals of being that fit again in mind. Physical therapy is the short term work which will enable you to ultimately regain all you have lost. I once suffered a terrible foot injury and thought I wouldn't be able to run again. The hardest part was giving my body all the time it needed to heal. I run less now but I do run and strenght train and all that good stuff. Keep that chin up. Good luck and God bless. Keep us posted on your progress. Never give up!

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