Starting Body Rx.. MINDI !!!


Mindi, can I condense Body Rx? 4 week cycles instead of 6 weeks? I have a deadline. Have you heard of anyone doing this? Maybe I should just ask at the BRx forum? OK, I think I'll do that.:p

Edit: OK, no forum at the website. Anyone know of a Body Rx forum?
}( :p :9 :* Robin!

Start hatching some chicken eggs, go sit on 'em right now. You're gonna need lotsa, lotsa protein. Have fun with it!:*

Hi Robin!

Come by the BodyRx board on L&S or the village mentioned above and we'll help!

Dunno about that 4wk thing tho? Why do you need to condense it???
LOL I understand! well come by and present your case, let's see if we can figure out how to an accelarated program going!

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