Starting a weight loss contest... need your advice


I am starting a weight loss contest next Sunday with 25 other women. Cash prizes go to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. I want to win;) I also want to have great results!! LOL

My question is... what do I need to do to get optimal results?? I would love any advice! I have about 25 pounds to lose, as I just had baby # 6 about 6 months ago. I have already lost 25 pounds.... I have most of cathe's workouts and will be purchasing more soon. My faves are the gym styles and all of the Imax's. I also love running. Advice.... I want to win!!! I will give weekly updates as well, so ya'll can encourage me!

Thanks for any advice ect.... I am willing to go hardcore!

My advice would be to pay more attention and detail to your diet and for your workouts just do what is fun, yet make sure you are working up a good sweat with each workout. A good eating guide is following the diet chapters (I think chapters 4 and 5) in the book Body Rx. It's a quick read, available at most libraries or is pretty inexpensive at most bookstores.

Also is your contest on total pounds lost? I've been in those contests before and they're much more fair awarding the prize to the person that lost the highest percentage of overall weight based on your starting weight as someone with more weight to lose will lose more weight and faster but someone without much to lose could technically lose a higher percentage of body weight but less overall weight as far as total number of pounds go.

Good Luck!
Thanks for the reply... Also, to answer your question, the weight loss contest is based on percentage lost.

I joined the Y's weight loss challenge

I have less than two weeks to the end and these suggestions helped me.

Download a 30-day trial version of Weight Ware. You weigh in every morning and record it and it shows your weight trend. I didn't see how it would help without the calorie counts but it showed a pattern to why I wasn't losing. You can also record your workouts, measurements and sleep, etc. I was shocked to see my trend of eating a little extra on the weekends and it would take the rest of the week to lose the extra calories.

I've tracked calories with Calorie King and Fit Day but Weight Watchers is what did the trick for me. I'm down 19# since the beginning of this year and it could have been more if I would have stayed focused on my goal.

Best wishes - Sandi

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