Starlight6 - Thank you!



Thank you for the great rotations & tidbits! I think armed with these, I won't have to worry about getting bored for a looooonnnnngggg time. Thanks for taking the time to do this for us.

Hi Candice,
Here I was tooling along - lurking, mainly - & suddenly my "name" popped up, such a surprise!
Thanks for being so sweet...sending the Rotations is easy & no problem. But, as I have said before, it's nothing compared to all the hard work Kathy S. put into these documents, which I too have enjoyed VERY much. Thanks again Kathy!
Ruth :)
Hi Ruth -- Thank you!

Hi Ruth and a million thanks for forwarding the rotations all over creation and back! I started a new job January 1 that has just been a killer (that's a story for another post, believe me) and have had almost no time to workout, let alone to post -- I've just lurked when I could grab a few minutes. I have so much physical AND Forum catching up to do! And I could NOT have handled all the requests for the rotations documents, so a double thanks for keeping them in circulation!!!!!!!!!!!

Kathy S. :)
RE: Hi Ruth -- Thank you!

Hi Kathy,
Congrats on your new job! Do you like it so far? I know you'll make a success of it.
You're quite welcome, I love helping you out. I've kind of been just lurking for awhile too, extremely busy, but it's slacking off now.
You know how it goes, if one person gets wind of your great rotations, everyone wants them...who could blame them?!
Take care...let us know about your job when you have time.

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