stability ball ?


Hi Cathe,
I inflated my stability ball, it didn't look like it was big enough, I used my tape measure and put a mark on the wall at 55 cm, when I put the ball up to the wall is only measured 45cm. Is this the right way to measure them, plus that I couldn't figure out how to keep the air in the ball after I took that white plastic thing out after inflating it.
I called power systems and told them the sent me the wrong size ball and customer service is suppose to call me back on monday. I posted this in the open forum, but no one seemed to know anything about it.
Thanks for any help ..... Rhonda
Hi Rhonda,
I just got a stability ball, too, and the directions said to inflate it initially just to about 80% I think, then let it sit for a day in a room that's not too cold. Then 24 hours later, inflate it more until it feels hard, but not to where it feels like it will burst. Let it sit again, then several hours later repeat that process, and continue until it reaches full size or a little above the size you want. Do NOT inflate it above the 55 cm. Then I let out a little air so it wasn't quite so hard. Now it's the perfect size and I love it. The material just has to adjust to the expansion.

Hope this helps.

Hi Jen
I can try that, but, that little white plastic thing they give you to attach to the pump and put inside the hole to air it up, when I took that out, so came out the air, if I left it in the air would come out. I didn't know how to keep the air from coming out of the ball.
From power systems, the only instructions I seen was to inflate the ball, short and sweet. It gave plenty instructions on how to use it and where not to use it. thanks Rhonda
>Hi Jen
> I can try that, but, that little white plastic thing they
>give you to attach to the pump and put inside the hole to air
>it up, when I took that out, so came out the air, if I left it
>in the air would come out. I didn't know how to keep the air
>from coming out of the ball.

There should be a plastic plug (looks almost like a long plastic tack) that comes with the ball(it may be somewhere else in the package). When that's inserted, it stays in the ball, and the air stays in.
hi kathryn,
They sent me 2 of these long white plastic things that are just alike, they don't look like tacks and they both have a hole running down the middle for air, they both screw into the air pump. Maybe they sent one of the wrong things, maybe they forgot to pack a plug ?
I am totally new at this stability ball stuff. I much appreciate the help .... thanks Rhonda :7

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