Stability Ball workout

1) Adam Ford Swiss Ball Abs is challenging, but it isn't a total body workout. There are 3 20 minute ab workouts on one dvd. Workout #3 will definitely make you feel that you have worked.

2)I also have Kelly Roberts Quick Fix Stability Ball workout. It has 3 10 minute segments. I would say it is intermediate level, maybe low intermediate. You can add ankle weights and wrist weights and make it more suitable if you are an advanced exerciser. She's a good instructor.

3)I also used to have The Method Target Specifics Stability Ball workout- pretty good, but I thought it moved waaaay to slow. Lots of breathing, long warm up. More like a nice yoga video, to me, IMHO.

4)Amazing Ball Choreography w/ Patrick Goudeau (sp?) Fun, my daughter likes it for the fun factor. It doesn't really feel like a tough workout at all, though. I break a very light sweat and my heart rate gets only slightly elevated, but I'll do it w/ my daughter because getting her to exercise AT ALL is a good thing.

5)I like to do all the ball sections of PushPull, Supersets, KPC together. That's pretty tough!
I'm interested to see what others have to say.

I haven't found one yet that it challenging enough so that I couldn't do it the first time through.
I really love the exercises in the stability ball that cathe does in Pyramid Lower Body.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.
Alright! I am just going to have to get Pyramids. I have heard too many good things about it not to own it. That will mean I will have everything from Intensity series to now.

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