St. Louis Trippers!! Which weekend(s) CAN you hangout?

St. Louis Trippers!! Which weekend(s) CAN you hangout?

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Does Saturday about 11:00 seem like a good time to meet for lunch? Would like to have a table reserved and that would give us plenty of time to chat, eat, chat, eat...get the picture :) If not state what time and where everyone would like to get together :) I'm not real familiar with the St. Louis restaurants so you city gals will have to help me out there. I know O'Fallon, Illinois has a ton of restaurants near the St. Clair Square Mall and its only about 15-20 minutes from the riverfront. Hmmm, anyone up for a shopping trip later in the day!!

Me personally, I can't be there Sept. 17 (Nieces wedding and daughter is flower girl :) ) nor Oct. 22 (Annual flea market trip with relatives at Nashville, TN) BUT if those dates work best for everyone else, please don't hesitate to say. Hope to find one that works for everyone...that would be a hoot!

See ya ladies...I think we're up to about 14 of us!

I bet this poll only lets you pick one, so I guess pick your favorite and then by the responses we can pick the best one.

Sami...sounds great! :) I voted for October 1, but really any of the dates other than 10/22 are fine for me as far as I know! Can't wait...looking forward to it! :)

RE: St. Louis Trippers!! Which weekend(s) CAN you hang...

I voted for October 1st too, but right now any Saturdays are pretty open for me. There are plenty of great restaraunts we could go to in..Clayton, Soulard, Maplewood, Downtown St. Louis etc.... Looking forward to it.
RE: St. Louis Trippers!! Which weekend(s) CAN you hang...

Hi Everyone,

October 1st works well for me. I'll be staying at my mom's condo in Chesterfield while I'm in St. Louis so I'll have easy access to basically anywhere you want to meet.

um, can I but in? I live in Clayton, and just saw this. Can I join up? What's the plan? I had no clue even 14 women from St. Louis were on this forum! Kristan on the pregnancy forum may be interested as well as she lives in south St. Louis city I think. We don't frequent over here as much anymore!
RE: St. Louis Trippers!! Which weekend(s) CAN you hang...

Good Morning!

May I join in too? :)I just saw this thread and would love to join all of you for lunch and shopping (if that comes about). I live in Fairview Heights, IL. Just one exit away from Saint Clair Square. Any spot is fine with me.

Also all of those Saturdays are great. I tend to take spur of the moment trips on weekends, so I'll let you all decide and then I'll make sure I'm around ----- UNLESS :7 we find a great deal on a Cancun package! We've been looking.

I'm looking forward to the results,

RE: St. Louis Trippers!! Which weekend(s) CAN you hang...

Wow!!! This is sooo cool that there are so many of us St. Louisans! Hope we all get to make'll be a lot of fun! :)
I voted October 1st, but I am available any weekend except 10-22. Look forward to meetin' ya'll.


~I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.~
Yeah - Three more! Welcome Julie L, Kristan and Angie!! Still waiting for more responses but right now October 1st seems pretty good. How about for you new gals - Oct 1 fit your schedules??

I'm probably partial to O'Fallon Illinois since I'm more familiar with it, but PLEASE, let's all say where we would like to meet and then pick from those responses :) We are saying St. Louis Area Catheites, so I don't know if you gals want to meet in St. Louis or if O'Fallon, IL is alright??

Did I remember that Jessica has a birthday the first week of October?? If the 1st doesn't work for you, we might try the weekend before or after that.

I'm not going to vote, because right now any weekend seems to be open.

As far as location is concerned, I will be driving 1.5 to 2 hours from the North to get to the StL area (about 2 hrs for me to downtown). I'm not sure where most everyone else is located, but I'm not very familiar with the southern areas of StL. So my only request would be that we pick a spot that is easy to get to.

Lunch and shopping would be great. The meet time of 11AM sounds good, too. and any type of food is fine with me:9
I don't know where everyone wants the meet but The Galleria(mall) in Clayton is pretty centrally located. Its right off Highway 40 at Brentwood Boulevard. Good shopping and I think they have a Cheesecake Factory there if I remember right.
I am not voting because any weekend is good with me. I live in Chesterfield and the Galleria location sounds great to me.

Looking forward to it.

I accidentally voted for 10/8 and that is the weekend that I can't be available. I was actually trying to vote for 10/15, but 10/1 will probably work too.

The Galleria would be a great choice of locations, because I actually know where that is. I am travelling 2 hours from the West, so centrally located would be great!

I am the same person as Sancho who replied above. I just realized that I somehow ended up with two sign-ins. The Sancho one doesn't have the correct email address, but this one does. Just to avoid confusion, my email address is [email protected].

As I said above, any weekend. Galleria is great.
RE: St. Louis Trippers!! Which weekend(s) CAN you hang...

Good Morning!

October 1st is fine with me. But truly any Saturday would work.

Sami - where about in O'Fallon do you live? I'm in Fairview, literally just off Highway 64 and Route 157, the exit just after the mall if you're traveling west on 64.

Back to work for me. I have a short day today.:D

RE: St. Louis Trippers!! Which weekend(s) CAN you hang...

Hi everyone! I can most likely meet any of those weekends.

Last night I had an idea for the get together. Would anybody be interested in swapping Cathe vids/DVD's for a while.

I have to admit that right now, there are several of my videos and DVD's that are collecting dust, so if somebody wanted to "test drive" some of them that they don't have yet, we could bring along what we don't use frequently and swap with each other.

Just a thought.

This is "DH" My "DW's" computer is on the fritz. She will try to respond as soon as she can get to a working computer.

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